Chapter 5- Misunderstood

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Tamilore POV

I was sitting on Temilade's bed with my legs folded and with my sister laying right in front of me.

It was Saturday and we were bored so we're talking.

Folarin had a shoot today and Fiyin had an outing with her mum, as for Adesua she said she had some personal stuff to take care of.

She's becoming really close with us and it's just within one week.

As for David.... I've been avoiding him since the incident that happened on Tuesday.

I got back to class that day and explained everything to my friends but not before cleaning my tears after crying my eyes out.

I knew that they suspected that I cried but decided to be quiet.

Currently Temi and I are in her room and on her bed talking

"You know I still think what happened that day is not the full story" Temi said referring to the past between David and me.

I just narrated the story of what had been going on.

"I don't care" I replied looking away.

"I think you should just ask him or give him a chance to explain" she said.

"Oh so that he can feed me with lies abi" I replied.

"See just calm down" she said

"I'm calm" I replied.

"But you look nothing close to calm" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever Temi just forget it" I said looking into space

(A/N: Okay I think the suspense is enough... Tamilore explain to them what actually happened
Tamilore: I don't want to recall that experience
A/N: Hmmmmm....okay I'll do it)

Third person POV

Tamilore was in Jss2 when it all happened. She was pretty and brilliant well she still is. She made friends with everyone but still had haters...

I guess everyone has haters.

David walked up to Tamilore one day, she tried to keep a straight face but she failed terribly because she couldn't stop smiling.

Tamilore had been crushing on David for a while even if she was told that he was bad news she didn't care because she was friends with him and he seemed nothing compared to what people said about him.

"Hey Tami" David greeted. He was the one that gave her the nickname Tami and was the only one that called her that.

"Hi David " She replied blushing hard

"Meet me at the swimming pool by break time"David said and winked at her before leaving

Tamilore tried to hold her cool but she couldn't. She jumped up and squealed in excitement.

She told Fiyin and Madison what David said.

Yes you are right...her arch enemy Madison was once her best friend.

They all squealed and were happy for her.

They knew that she had a crush on David.

Folarin hadn't transferred to Crownsvielle college at that time.

It was break time and Tamilore went to the school's swimming pool, expecting to see only David waiting for her, but that wasn't what she saw.

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