Chapter 39- A step to new beginnings

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So you guys..I thought I updated the previous chapter(really important chapter). I just checked and realized that I didn't.  I'm  so sorry😭

⚠️Not edited. 

Madison's POV

That night after my Dad found me, I got scolded terribly by everyone  especially my Dad.

It was like he was forgetting I had seen him kill a whole family.

I thought I  was the only one aware my Dad was in a mafia.

But I  was wrong.

I overheard my mum talking about mafia business with my Dad and sister.

Kenzie's words still rings in my ear till date:

I can't wait to get older so I could take over the mafia

My whole family was in the mafia.

They killed, avenged, kidnapped.

Name it, they did it.

I snooped around my Dad home's office and got my hands on files which I thought was important.

As a kid I didn't know what they meant but I'm proud of myself for transferring them to my flash.

I scrolled through my laptop and read the heading of all the files.

Okoh's package.

Delivered goods

Italian consiglieres

Stone's prostitution house

I sighed..

I couldn't even complete everything.

I've watched my family turn into monsters.

Not anymore.

David's POV

As I alighted from the car, another car drove into the school's parking lot.

Farayola alighted from her dad's car and began greeting everyone.

I felt a pang in my chest.

I once asked myself the reason for her everyday cheerfulness.

I remembered when she first joined our class. She made thing that had never happened to happen.

I still can't believe that woman was her mum.

She never acted like someone with a past as deep as hers. What of if her happiness is a just a mask or could she have truly moved on?

"David" a voice pulled me out of my thoughts.


I turned and gave her a 'How may I help you' look.

"Let's walk together" She suggested and I shrugged.

We weren't getting any stares, people have gotten used to seeing us together at least once in  a while.

"How was your night" she asked.

It was obvious she's trying to start a conversation.

I didn't reply her but I gave a nod, not caring if she noticed or not.

We stopped at an enclosed space

"How do you feel about today"

"Stop beating  around the bush Tamilore" I said

she let out a heavy sigh

"I'm sorry for how I treated you the other day. I want to be honest so I'm completely telling the truth when I'm saying that I was jealous of how you and Madison were conversing at close proximity especially when you know how I feel about her" she apologized

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