Chapter 36- The unexpected

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⚠️Not really edited

Temilade's POV

I hissed loudly as I walked pass Bella's room.

Hers and Tamilore's laughter could be heard.

First she stole my childhood, now my sister.


I got to the living room, it was empty. I barely saw dad these days, not like I even want to see his face. He's the root of why Bella is here.

I picked up my phone and dialed Fara's number.

No pickup

I dialed Jason's number

No pick up

Nawa oo. No one has my time anymore.

Tamilore and Bella came downstairs together.

"I checked your room already but you were not there so I assumed you'll be here" Bella said

"So what am I to do with that information?" I replied irritated.

"Anyways I'm getting tired of your attitude. Get dressed we're going to meet Mum" she said.

"Why should I meet her? After all if she could leave me to the mercy of the person who almost killed me as a child  what else do you think she can do?" I retorted

"Temilade enough. What is it? We give you five minutes If you are not dressed then we will leave" Tamilore said.

Tamilore to me!

Me oo!

Temilade Smith!!.

No problem.

I picked up my phone and walked upstairs.

As much as I hate to admit it, I miss my mum.

I reluctantly got dressed and went downstairs.

"Are we leaving or what?" I sassed

"We are" Bella answered smiling.

We all got into Bella's car and zoomed off to God knows where.

Liam's POV

Sitting on Farayola's bed, I waited for her to bring the lunch to her room.

Her room was well-furnished.

And yes, we've gotten so close since the tutoring began.

I saw a picture frame of her and her parents.

They look nothing alike.

Snooping around, I found myself in her walk--in closet.

My leg hit a old box by the corner of the small clothe room.

I picked it up and open it.

The first thing my face met was a younger version of Farayola and another couple who weren't the same as the ones I saw earlier.

She looked a lot like them

I didn't need someone to tell me that this was her biological parents and Farayola was probably adopted.

But something was off.

The woman in the picture was familiar.

Too familiar.

"What are you doing?"

I spun around to meet Farayola's annoyed look.

"Ummm..I'm really sorry. I was checking out this place and found this. I didn't mean to pry." I apologized.

"It's fine. I'm sure you have questions" she said and left the closet.

I glanced at the picture again before closing the box and putting it down.

"Don't worry. I don't want to open up closed wounds" I said.

I might be stupid but can also be considerate.

"Thanks. But it's about time, I told someone." She said taking in a deep breathe.

"You're a smart boy, I'm sure you've figured out that I'm adopted and the picture of the couples you saw are my real parents. I was a very spoilt brat to be honest. My Dad died when I  was sixteen. My mum did everything she could to make sure that I didn't feel his absence. It wasn't working but I always took advantage of it." She paused

"One night I guilt-tripped my Mum into us leaving the estate to buy eggs. On our way back, she got hit by a car. I remember it vividly like it happened two minutes ago. Seven boys who were around my age, in a jeep drove recklessly and killed my Mum. I remember them arguing on who was to take the blame. How the one who drove the car took the car and left them, how they called the ambulance and ran away when it drew near. It was so brutal. My mum laid on the floor in cold blood, with eggs broken and scattered around her. It was scary. Till today I'm still hunted by that image and I can't help but blame myself. If I had listen when she said she was too tired to go out then my mum would still be alive." She took a deep breathe

"Every night, I have dreams about her, I hear voices accusing me for her death and they aren't wrong. I feel miserable everytime I think of that night" she broke out into tears.

I hugged her and whispered comforting words into her ears.

Soon she calm down and I watched her eat, gave her some painkillers and made sure she slept. I put her phone on silent so she won't be disturbed.

I walked out of her room silently and met her mum on the way.

"Hello Liam, you finished tutoring her early today" She said.

"Oh, Fara wasn't feeling too good so I put her to sleep" I reported

"Goodness. Thank you so much, I'll go check up on her right now"

"Yes ma'am. I'll be taking my leave" I informed.

"That's no problem. Thank you once again" she said.

The minutes I left the house, I placed my hands where my heart was located. It was beating ten times faster.

How could this happen?

Why this coincidence?

Why is it the girl I was starting to like?.

I picked my phone without thinking and called David.

"What do you want?" He greeted rudely.

"There's fire on the mountain" I informed

"Then quench it, what's my business with the fire" he replied.

"I can't quench it alone, it involves you and the rest of the guys" I said

"Hmm what is it then?" He inquired

"Remember that night, two years ago, when we were all drunk and killed a woman accidentally" I said in low tones

"Yes" he one-word replied.

"Well the past is coming back to the present"

"Please go straight to the point" he said irritatedly

"That woman is Farayola's mum" I blurted out

"Oh shit" he muttered.

"I'm so confused right now" he added

"Gather the boys at your place. I'll be there soon to give a detailed explanation" I hung up after that.

What palava is this?

There is fire on the mountain oooo

Short prayer: God bless everyone

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