chapter 44- Never would I have thought

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A shout out to _just_addy_ and b42892 Thanks for your support!

Tamilore's POV

The silence in this house was deafening.

But I'd pick it everyday to the constant arguments and yelling.

"Bishhhh I'm here to add colour to your lifeeeee" I already knew it was Fiyin.

I chuckled. She always appeared at the right time.

"Stop yelling mama. The visit is not even a surprise again". That was Adesua.

The door finally opened and Folarin came in view.

I pretended to be asleep.

"She's sleeping" Folarin said after coming closer.

"There's no way I'll come here, all for her to be asleep" Fiyin said.

I knew what was coming next.

Foyin jumped on me and shocked me violently.

"Babes give her a break" Adesua said, trying to pull Fiyin off me.

Keyword : Trying.

I give up

"Okay okay. I'm awake" I shouted.

"I can assure you she was faking it" Fiyin said

They all looked at me and I burst out laughing.

"I'm going to kill you" Adesua lunged at me. Folarin immediately stopped her before she could get to me.

"My biggest mistake was not having enough male friends" Folarin said after we had all calmed down.


We were currently on my bed munching on munch it.

Hehe see the pun

"Tamilore spill" Fiyin said

"I don't get"

"You've been glowing too well these days. I want to why"

I gave all of them an amused look.

"She's in a relationship"

"Ehnnn Tamilore" Fiyin and Adesua exclaimed.

I hit Folarin countless times

"Why didn't you let me say it?" I said sulking

"Calms. Tamilore is it true?Who is the person? How did Folarin know before me?"

"Yes it's true"I said.

"And it's David" I completed shyly.

They all froze including Folarin.

"David?!. As in David Williams! In SS3?!" Folarin yelled

"But you knew she was in a relationship" Adesua asked

"I didn't know. I just guessed" He answered

It was then drawn to me that I had actually not told him.

"Let's not divert. How can you be dating David? I knew that friendship with him was just too intense" Fiyin said, squinting her eyes at me.

I rolled mine in return.

How dramatic of her

"Give us the full gist now" Fiyin demanded.

"It was after I had a misunderstanding with him...."

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