Chapter 18

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I promised an update today

Temilade POV

This is bad
Real bad

"Yes it is" Fara said as if reading my thoughts

"What do I do? My brain is blank right now" I replied

"That's why I'm here so that when you become stupid I help you think." She boasted while I glared at her.

She laughed and told me to call Jason. I picked up my phone and my fingers began to fidget as I type his name.

It rang but he didn't pick. I called the second time and it was the same result.

Is he avoiding me?

"Call again" Fara told me.

This time, he picked up.

"Hi Jason" I said nervously

"Who is this" I heard a female voice speak.

I glanced at Fara and she urged me to speak.

"Urh...uhrm... I'm Temilade" I replied

"Oh it's you...what do you want"

What does she mean by "oh it's you".

Who is this?

Why does she have Jason's phone?

Where is Jason?

And why does she sound like she has heard of me?

I had so many questions twirling in my head.

Fara touched me and gave me an encouraging nod

"Can I please speak with Jason"

"I don't know... he's in the bathroom" she replied

My heart sank.

Try to be positive... Even if you weren't dating Jason he wouldn't hurt me this way. He knows about my feelings for him. My subconscious said.

"Okay...tell him to call me when he's done" I said finally snapping back to my senses.

The lady or woman or girl which ever it is didn't reply and hung up. I don't even know how she looks like but I already disliked her.

"I know things aren't looking favourable but I advise you not to jump into conclusion and instead wait for Jason's call. Okay?"

I nodded at Fara because I couldn't find my voice.

"Hey Sister."Tamilore greeted, coming into my room.

"What's up" I said

"Good. Farayola I'm bored. Bring up something interesting, you always have gists" she said

Fara grinned like she had won an award for Tamilore's statement

"You know, I just remembered I have gists sef" I replied not giving Fara the chance to speak

"You? Gists? When? Anyways let's hear it" Tamilore said jokingly

"I heard that you went into an overprotective sister mode and wouldn't let anyone see me while you were continuously blaming Jason for what happened." I said

"Oh" she muttered

"I still await your response"

"Jason tried to kill you, don't you get?" She said angry but not yelling

"Shut it Tamilore. Just shut it"
"Did you ever think of what actually happened. Yes I admit that Jason doesn't give the best impression but you can't just accuse him" I said

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