Chapter 21

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I walk to the communications room, anger seeping from me.

"Move." I say to the technician, who scuttles off. Punching in numbers, I tap my foot impatiently as the call goes on and on.

"Well well, I never thought that Loki, prince of Asgard, would ever call me again. How may I be of service your highness?" Skuggad leans back in his chair, and I curse my luck.

"Your skill is needed here. A patient is dying, and we do not have the resources or knowledge to heal her." I say, and he looks at me in amusement.

"Mother sent you didn't she?" He asks, and I nod.

"I should have known, you would never come to me of your own free will. So who is the patient?"

"It is not your concern unless you come." I say, and he laughs.

"Touchy on the subject are we? Alright, I'll come. You don't have to worry." I nod.

"Be here as quick as possible." I say, before ending the call. I go back to the med center, and I find Claire asleep.

"It took quite a bit of anesthesia, but she should be out for a few days. She won't stop muttering though, and I needed to tie her hands down because she was hurting herself." Alfred says, and I nod.

"Thank you." I sit down next to Claire and take one of her hands in my own, caressing the back of it with my thumb.

"What is wrong? What set you off?" I murmur, looking at her in worry. She stirs and whispers something which I lean closer to catch.

"Loki....careful....saw....bones...." She says, and then repeats it. I lean back, confused.

"Do you understand what she is saying?" Alfred asks, and I shake my head.

"No, but I will find out." Standing up, I press a gentle kiss to her forehead and leave the room. I close the door and bump into Rika.

"How is she?" She asks, and I look down at her.

"Sleeping, she will be fine." I say, faking a smile. Rika is fooled however, and she smiles.

"Good, I know you will find the cure." She says, patting me on the shoulder and walking away.

"If only you knew..." I say, and head to my room. Shutting the door, I lock it and stand in front of my mirror. The temperature drops as I struggle to control my feelings.

"Idiot, useless, unworthy giant, why are you still alive, odin should have killed you when he had the chance."The voices in my head taunt, and I shut my eyes.

"Shut up." I growl, but they continue.

"You can't even save yourself, how are supposed to save her? She will die, and you will be alone again." They continue.

"I said SHUT UP!!!"" I swipe my arm and the mirror falls over, shattering into bright slivers. I catch my reflection, and stare at it in disgust. Red eyes and blue skin, tattooed everywhere. I stare at the sharp pieces longingly, but I stop myself.

"No, I cannot leave Claire to fight this on her own. MAID!" I call, and one comes in.

"Clean this mess up." I order, and I leave the room to once again sit by Claire.


I look around myself and shiver. The bare land has a dreamlike quality, and I jolt in surprise when I look down and see myself laying in a bed with Loki sitting next to me.

"Weird isn't it?" Sawbones' voice says from behind me, and I whirl around.

"Are you..." He chuckles.

"Sawbones? Yes, and you are Claire. May I say, it is lovely to meet you." He bows, and I take a good look at him. He is wearing a black body suit with white accents, and is enveloped in a red cape. His face is pale, almost white, and his eyes have a maniacal glint in them. His hair is jet black, with a white streak on the left side, and his eyebrows are also black.

"Might I say, you are even more beautiful than I expected." He says, walking toward me.

"Where are we?" I ask, taking a step back.

"We are in the land of dreams. One that I created to talk to you in fact." He says, and a grin stretches across his face.

"Why? Couldn't you just get into my head again?" I ask, and he chuckles.

"But then I wouldn't be able to see you! The telepathic link only allows me to get into your mind, not to see what you look like. Loki really does know how to pick a woman well." He says, and I get chills as he looks me up and down. I hug myself, self consciousness coming in waves.

"Though, I think a dress would be better than that hospital gown." He says, and I stumble back.

"What are you going to do?" I say, watching as a red orb of light grows in his hand.

"I'm going to get you a dress. Don't worry, this won't hurt." He flicks the red ball towards me, and I find myself trapped in a ball of energy. Spinning, I close my eyes and then promptly open them, feeling like I am going to throw up. Landing on my feet, I look down at the dress and immediately wish I was in the hospital dress.

"Give me back my hospital gown." I say, holding my head high.

"But my dear, you look lovely!" He exclaims, his eyes darkening over in an emotion I would recognize anywhere.

"I look like a whore! At least put me into something decent!" I say, gesturing to the dress. It is red, with a tight corset pushing everything up, and a skirt so short it is barely decent. My arms are bare, the sleeves consisting of two lace straps.

"Fine, have it your way." I am surrounded by energy and my dress changes into a long, green dress. It still has a corset and a slit in the skirt, but at least nothing is ready to spill out.

"So all you wanted was to see me?" I ask, putting space between me and him.

"Basically, I get bored." He shrugs, and I look at him.

"Who are you really?" I ask, and he sighs.

"Thats a long story. Sit down." He conjures up two chairs, and we both sit down. He moves his chair close to mine, and I scoot to the edge.

"Don't be so scared. I can't hurt you in the dream world. You are perfectly safe." He rolls his eyes and I relax slightly.

"I was once a prince of Asgard. Yes, brother to Thor and Loki. I am the eldest, and Loki often looked up to me. But long story short, the Asgardians did not appreciate my talents and cast me out." His face darkens in hate, and I see the evil and terror this...Asgardian... is. But it is gone in a second and I am left scared to the bones.

"Well, I am glad to have met you Claire. You truly are a desirable woman, Loki is a lucky man. Speak of this dream to no one." He glares at me, and I nod. The world fades to black, and I become once again unconscious.


I chuckle as I wake up from the dream, remembering how her eyes grew wide in fear.

"Claire. You are more important than you will ever know." I say, and then I remember how she looked in the red dress. It is a shame such beauty will be wasted, but the energy within her is priceless. I grab a bag and am in the middle of packing my equipment when a servant walks in.

"Leaving somewhere Master? He asks, and hands me a small box.

"Asgard. They need my help healing a human." He gives me a small smirk.

"And will they survive?"

"We will see." I say, before transporting to the medical wing in Asgard.

"Where is the human?" I ask, addressing Alfred.

"In the first room on your right." He says stiffly, and I pat him on the back.

"I missed you too." I joke, and enter her room.

"This is a touching sight." I say, and Loki stands up.

"If anything goes wrong and she dies, I will personally kill you." He says, and I smirk at the anger in his eyes.
"Dont worry." I say, and I open up my case.

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