Chapter 31

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Claire's dress ⬆️⬆️


    Currently standing in a golden room, my jaw drops open at what is in front of me. This is so incredible, unbelieveable, unexplainably awesome.

"This closet is the size of a mansion!!" I exclaim, my eyes staring in wonder at all the dresses. Frigga laughs.

"That is because this is no closet. Welcome to the royal dressmakers." She pulls me through the door and I stare in wonder at all the different cloths, workers, and various odd sewing machines??

"My queen, welcome." A young, bright eyed girl greets us, and bows quickly.

"Larissa, how many times have I told you. There is no need to stand on ceremony with me. Your mother is my dearest friend." Frigga says gently and Larissa stands again.

"Sorry, I forgot. Like I always do. Or at least most of the time. Sorry, I'm rambling. You probably want to get started." She says and I laugh.

"We have the entire day, don't stop on my account." I say merrily and she grins at me.

"As much as I love to chat, we should get started." Frigga says and I catch something odd in her tone of voice.

"Right. So who is getting a new dress and do you want to make it from scratch or adjust one we already have made." She pulls on an apron with several different pockets filled with who-knows-what.

"From scratch and we will both be getting new dresses." Frigga replies. Larissa nods and gestures to an older woman on the other side of the room.

"Then, Frigga, I will hand you over to my mother while I take care of Lady Claire." Her voice is excited and I can only mirror the feeling. Frigga smiles and walks over to the other lady, embracing her as old friends do.

"They were childhood friends. Frigga saw my mother making clothes for our family and was so impressed that she made her chief seamstress. Now, up on the dias and off with the dress."

And so began the dressmaking process. After what seems like hours of pins, needles, laughter, and picking out colors I stood in front of a mirror, my eyes covered with a blindfold.

"Ready to see?" Larissa asks, and I playfully glare at her voice.

"I have been ready to see ever since you put the blindfold on and told me I couldn't see." I reply, causing both her and Frigga to laugh. I feel someone fiddling with the knot and the cloth falls away.

"Woah."I say, looking at my reflection. The color had looked good on the rack, but Larissa had somehow brought it to life. The dress is a dark green, with a medieval style, with gold decoration on the sleeves and chest. The dress falls off my shoulders and is barely attached to the bodice. It is tight until just above my elbow, where the green gives way to flowy white sleeves. 

"This is amazing!! I feel like a princess." I laugh, twirling around.

"Well you are one." Larissa says and I laugh.

"Not really." I say, and out of the corner of my eye I see a secretive smile slip across Frigga's face. Pushing it to the back of my mind I turn to her.

"What next?" I say and she stops me as I move to take the dress off.

"Leave it on, you'll need it. Thank you Larissa." She says, and we leave. Next we go to a jewelers, then to a shoemaker, and then a stylist. By the time we are done it is late afternoon and I am tired, yet in awe of everything and happy.

"Thank you Frigga." I say, laying down on one of her couches.

"It was my pleasure, Claire. I have not done that in ages." She says, and I grab some food from the table.

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