Chapter 32

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    I watch as the sun rises and I listen as life starts to come to Asgard. Pale pink faintly colors the sky and the fields begin to glow golden against the gray mountains surrounded by white fog. A bird lands on the balcony railing next to me and I stroke its bright blue head, smiling as it flies away.

"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and my darling is the sun." A voice calls and I look down to see Loki standing there, a rose in his hand.

"Hello my love." I say, smiling down at him.

"She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head." He charms the flower to float up to me and I take it, pinning it in my hair.

"Why is my love awake at such an early hour? 'Tis barely the break of dawn. Life has just begun to stir from the depths of sleep and silence. In addition, have Rika and Sif not sworn to personally bring about your demise should thou enter my presence before the sacred hour?" I fake an english accent and play along with him. Granted, I read Romeo and Juliet several years ago,but I decide to improvise.

"With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; for stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do that dares love attempt;therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me." He conjures up a ladder and climbs until he is facing me. I search my head for a reply and remember one line from Juliet.

"If they do see thee, they will murder thee." I lean on the railing, smiling at him.

"I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight; and but thou love me, let them find me here." He looks at me in the eyes and takes my hand. We are both smiling and I feel myself blush under his stare.

"With thine silver tongue hast thou brought a blush upon my cheeks, dear Sir. Have thine words this strange magic upon the other women whom you charm?" I smirk slightly and he climbs onto the balcony. Spinning us around he traps me between the railing and himself. My face heats up even more when I remember I am just wearing my nightgown.

"Nay, for they were nought but scarlet women, they did not stir my soul to speak such words which thine starry eyes pull from my lips. Their cheeks were red from paint, unlike thine which glow with the slightest insinuation." He says smirking and my cheeks promptly redden.

"Flattering philanderer." I say and try to move. If this continues...nope not letting my imagination go there. Okay, I can't get away but I managed to turn around so that I wasn't facing him. At least now he can't see my tomato red face. "Unhand me or I will be tempted to scream." I say frustratedly. 

"Save thy breath, t'would be a shame to break the peace of daybreak...and as for the screaming, there will be enough of that later." He says naughtily and I smack his arm. Focus focus focus, not going down that road not going down that road.

"Wherefore art thou so incorrigible today?" My knees are weak and I have to hold onto the railing. He bends down, his breath blowing by my ear.

"T'is my wedding day to the fairest maiden who ever lived. She stands before me in all her beauty, the likes of which have never been seen before. Her nightgown waves teasingly in the wind and the pink rose in her hair matches her lips. Her hair frames her face like a starry curtain, veiling her blushing cheeks and vibrant eyes. I find myself helpless to her, I cannot help the words which I speak." Shivers run down my spine and my breath catches. He snakes one of his arms around my waist, holding me by the hip while his other hand takes my hair and moves it behind my shoulder.

"Loki..." My voice comes out ragged and I'm about to protest when he kisses me, rendering me fully incapable of any cohesive thought.

"You were saying?" He teases and then kisses me before I can retort.

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