Chapter 3

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I lay on the couch in the library, bored. There is nothing to do here! Thor is out doing who knows what and the others are busy. I sigh, and walk around the palace. I have never really felt comfortable here, it is too flamboyant. There is shine and happiness everywhere, with people pretending that everything is fine everywhere.

I hate it. They are oblivious to the struggles of the other worlds. They ignore the fact that there are other people in this universe. Thor is the only one who does anything. And of course, me. I have become one of the Avengers. I walk out to the Bifrost, hoping that Heimdal will have something of interest.

"How goes it, Lord Heimdal?" I ask, with a fake cheerfulness.

"It goes well, Loki. There is nothing of consequence happening. The humans..." He trails off.

"What is it?"

"You and Thor are being summoned by the one named Fury." I grin. Finally, something interesting!!

"Well then, I'd best go get him." I walk back to the palace, looking for Thor. I find him in the training room, battling Sif.

"The leader of SHIELD, Fury, wishes for us to come Brother." He stops and turns.

"What is the matter?"

"I do not know. We have simply been summoned." I turn to leave, Thor at my side.

"I hope that the world is not in trouble again."

"I would not get your hopes up, Brother. The humans have an uncanny knack of getting into more trouble than they can handle. But, if there is nothing wrong, then you can go see your little lady friend." Thor blushes as I tease him. He is so in love, it makes me sick.

"Yes that is true. However, when we visit this time perhaps you will find yourself a fair maiden." He teases back, and my smirk falls.

"Brother, do not joke of things that will never happen." His eyes twinkle

"But it is not impossible. Tell me, what is it you look for in a woman?" Rolling my eyes, I think about it.

"She would have to be strong,a fighter. I am full of imperfections, and loving me would be a hard task. She would have to be understanding, and patient." Thor smiles. We reach the bifrost and Heimdal sends us down. We land on the helicarrier. Heimdal has taken to transporting us straight to it instead of putting us on land and then having us fly to it.

We walk forward, and enter the meeting room. The other Avengers are gathered, and the Black Widow is pacing back and forth. I notice this with surprise, she is usually composed almost to the point of indifference. The other Avengers are caught up in thought, so much that nobody notices us walk in.

"You wished for our presence, Director Fury. What is the reason we have been summoned?" Thor asks, and they all start. Tony even falls off his seat.

"I think it would be better if we show you." He nods to Natasha.

"Follow me." She says, and she starts walking. My curiosity grows as we enter the medical wing.

"What are we going to see?" I ask.

"You will see." She replies. We enter a room and hear a person's shuddering breaths and cries of pain. Natasha loses all calm and runs towards the bed, with Thor and I right behind her.

"Adjust the knobs on her breather." I go over and twist one of the knobs. The girl's breath evened out. She started crying.

"It hurts, Tasha, it hurts." Her voice is ragged and rough from screaming. Natasha smooths out her hair.

"I know, Claire, I know. We are doing the best we can to find your cure. Look." At this she turned Claire so that she could see us. "These men, they are going to help us. They are not from this world." Claire looks at us, and I am struck by the color of her eyes. They are green, and with her white bond hair it provides a great contrast.

"Now go back to sleep. I will wake you up for lunch." The girl nods and turns over, looking at the wall. Natasha gestures towards the door, and we follow her out.

"Lady Romanoff, what is wrong with her?" Thor says, asking the question we have both been wondering. Natasha sits down in a chair in the waiting room, and her face is drawn with worry. I am surprised, I have never seen her so worried over someone.

"That's the problem, Thor. We don't know. That girl in there is Agent Barton's younger sister. You will be filled in on details later. She is plagued by a mysterious illness that we cannot identify as any from earth. We were hoping that one or both of you would be willing to help us figure out what it is and find a cure for it." Natasha looks up, her face filled with hope. Thinking back, I picture the girl's face. Her screams echo in my head, and her teary eyes fill my thoughts.

"I'll do it. I have a fairly extensive knowledge of disease and cures. However, it would be best if I could bring her to Asgard. But I do not think you would let me do that."

"Would it help her more than here?

"I sincerely believe it to be so."

"I will have to speak with her mother." I look at her, surprised.

"I thought their parents are dead?"

"They are."

"Then who..."

"Pamela is basically her mother. She has taken care of Claire for several years. She understands her best out of all of us. She entrusted me with her, and I cannot betray that trust." We follow her to the meeting room. A woman comes up to me.

"Can you help?" I look at her. She has graying blond hair, and her eyes are filled with hope for her daughter.

"I will do the best I can. The resources here on earth however, are limited in their help to me." I pause for a minute. I don't want to ask this, but I have to. The woman seems to read my mind.

"You want to take her with you." I nod slowly. She thinks for a minute, and answers. "Ok." I stand there shocked, she agreed.

"You're ok with it?"

"Well I am not glad to see her go. But this is the best thing for her, and I will not let my emotions stand in the way of her getting better."

"You are strong." Thor says from next to me. She nods.

"Maybe. When are you taking her?"

"I thought to take her this evening. It will be soon it will still give you time with her."

"Thank you! I will take her lunch now. I am Pamela, by the way." Clint comes up to me.

"Take care of my sister ok?" I grin.

"Now do you really not trust me?" He gives me a look, and I roll my eyes. "I'll take good care of her, you don't have to worry." I turn to Thor.

"Please go to Asgard and make preparations for Claire."

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