Chapter 7

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I stand in front of the mirror in my room. It is about twenty minutes to dinner, and I would be lying if I said I'm not nervous.

Not about dinner of course. I can handle a bunch of snobby Asgardians who think they are better than me. There are of course the occasional nice ones, like Frigga and Sarah, but the rest are egotistical snobs.

No, I am nervous about seeing Claire.

Knowing my mother, she has undoubtedly dressed her up. There is no doubt that Claire is beautiful, a blind man can see that. But with my mother's help, she is sure to be gorgeous.

Blowing out a breath, I take a look at my reflection one more time. My hair is gelled back like always. My armor is clean and polished, with all of it on correctly.

You can do this, Loki.

I say to myself. I walk out the door, and head towards mother's chambers. I hear Thor and his friends down the hall, and hope that I can go unnoticed.

"BROTHER!" Oh for the love of Odin.

"Yes Thor?" He strides forward, the others surrounding him like a pack of dogs.

"COME, WE MUST HURRY TO THE FEAST!!!" He slings an arm over my shoulder, and I grunt. I may be super strong to a mortal, but Thor's arm, mixed with the fact that he is leaning on me, weighs like fifty Bildshnipe.

"I am coming, Thor. But first I have to get Claire." Fandril snickers, and I shoot him a glare.

"OF COURSE!! I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT LADY CLAIRE!" With that, he lets go of me and leaves.

"Have fun lover boy." Fandril taunts. I walk up to Frigga's door, and knock. Sarah opens the door and smiles at me.

"Ah, Sarah. You look lovely this evening. How are you?" I give her a hug as she lets me in.

"Just fine, you charmer." I flick my eyes around the room, discretely looking for Claire. Or so I thought.

"....I am right, Loki?" Huh?

"Of course Sarah, you are always right." I had been too busy looking for Claire to pay attention to Sarah.

"She is just finishing up. I'll get her for you." She says with a knowing grin.

"Who?" I try to act innocent.

"Oh you know exactly who, little devil. You weren't paying attention to anything I said." Caught! I give her a sheepish grin and she laughs.

"Wait here." She walks away and disappears. I look around the room, waiting.

"Your Highness." A sultry voice purrs. I look to my side to see Veronica approaching. I turn back around and ignore her.

Veronica is one of my mothers handmaidens. However, she does not conduct herself properly, and is unable to keep her hands to herself. She has tried to seduce me several times, and it gets annoying.

"How are you?" She tries again.

"Leave me alone, wench." She gasps, and scurried away. I sit down on a couch and lean back, closing my eyes. The lack of sleep has been taking its toll on me, though I would not do anything different.

"Loki..." I hear Claire's soft voice behind me, and stand.

"Ahh Claire, finally, I was beginning to think that you would never...." I turn and my words fail me as I look at her.

The dress flows softly, like a princess dress. Her makeup makes her eyes stand out, and her hair flows down her back. The dress fits in all the right places, making my mind go to places it shouldn't. Her lips are stained a light pink, making them seem fuller, and my mouth runs dry as I take her in.

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