Chapter 6

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After the incident in the library, Loki seems even more dedicated to finding a cure. Right now, we are having lunch, and he has brought several books with him from the library.

"Loki...." I say softly, waving my hand in front of his face. He flicks his hand, like trying to get rid of a fly. Going over, I shut his book and sit on it. He starts and looks at me, a little annoyance in his face. I see it and look down, getting off the book.

"Sorry. I just..." I trail off and rush back over to my seat. I look down at my hands. I just felt a little lonely, and he was basically ignoring me.

"Oh Claire, I'm sorry." I hear a chair squeak, and he kneels next to me. He puts his hand under my chin, and lifts it. I look into his eyes, and they were filled with apology.

"I didn't realize I was ignoring you. Believe me, it was not intentional." He smiles, and I give him a small one back.

"Now let's not let the food get cold." He smirks, and returns to his seat. Lunch passes with him telling me funny stories about Thor and his childhood. He cheers me up, and eventually we both forget about the library incident.

"BROTHER!" A voice booms, and the doors slams open. I cringe, and we both turn to see Thor stride in.

"I BRING A MESSAGE FROM MOTHER!" His voice fills the room, and echoes. I put my hands over my ears.

"Inside voice, Thor. Some people have more sensitive ears." Loki says, with a pointed look in my direction.

"My apologies, Lady Claire. Loki, Mother wishes to meet with Claire. She would appreciate it if you could bring her to her chambers." I feel my pulse speed up.

The Queen of Asgard wants to talk to me.

"Give us a minute, Brother." I hear Loki say, before he turns to me.

"Are you alright with this? My mother is very kind. You have nothing to fear." His eyes are gentle, giving me reassurance. I nod.

"Tell Mother we will be there in a little bit." Thor nods and leaves. Loki lifts my breather, while I grab the bag. We walk slowly, my muscles still adjusting to moving after years of staying in bed.

Eventually, we reach a large door. They are gold with delicate detailing. They are at least 20 feet high, and very intimidating. I take a deep breath, and try to be brave.

"Are you sure you can do this? You know you don't have to." Loki's gentle voice says from my side. I look at him, and my resolve to do this strengthens.

"I want to. I need to prove that I can be brave. That I can step out of my comfort zone. That I can do things normal people do. Can you understand that?" He smiles.

"Absolutely." Loki turns and knocks on the door. A guard opens it, and he sets down my breather. I enter the doorway, and he calls after me. I look over my shoulder and see him standing at the end of the corridor.

"For what it's worth, I think you are very brave." And with those cryptic parting words he disappears, and I am stuck wondering what his words mean.

"You must be Claire." A gentle voice says, and I look up. I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I had forgotten where I was.

In front of me stands a woman wearing a dark blue and gold dress with blonde hair. It is almost all blonde, with the rare grey to show her wisdom. Her blue eyes sparkle, yet they are kind. Suddenly I feel very insignificant and underdressed, as my hair was loose and mussed, and I was dressed only in a simple nightgown.

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