Chapter 20

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I laugh as Rika chases Loki around the room, threatening him with every word you could think of.

"Loki you egotistical arse! Give it back, you useless piece of leather!" Loki just grins, transporting up the chandelier.

"Get down here you impossible, annoying, son of a Brunnmigi! Claire, get your boyfriend to give me my underwear back!" She says, stomping her foot like a child. We are currently in Rika and Fandril's room and she had left a few...articles of clothing laying around which Loki finds very interesting.

"How do you even fit into this? You can barely get it over your head!" Loki's voice floats down, and I look up to see him with the lingerie on his head like a hat.

"Loki, please give Rika her lingerie back." I call up, hoping to get him to give it back.

"Only because you asked, Love." He says, flipping upside down and winking at me. I cover my mouth as he jumps off, landing like a cat on his feet. Throwing the corset onto her head he runs out before Rika can do anything, and I grin at her frustrated face.

"He can be soo annoying!" She says, falling back and tossing the corset onto the bed.

"Don't you think you should put that away before he gets to it again?" I say, and she jumps up and gathers it all in her arms.

"Open the wardrobe doors please." She asks and I open them, watching as she dumps them in a pile on the floor. Shutting it I smile at her, and I look at the clock.

"I'll be in the library. Please don't bother me unless it is important." I say, walking out and shutting the door. Walking quietly, I smile at the random servants I pass. There are literally thousands in this palace, and I wonder about them. Reaching the library, I go directly to the section about the Tesseract. I only know what the Avengers told me, but since it's energy is part of my heart I want to know a little more about it. Scanning through the numerous leather bound volumes, I finally find the book and pull it out.

"The Legend of The Tesseract." I read, tracing the golden cube on the front. Finding a comfy window seat I open it, starting right at the beginning.

"Here goes nothing." I say, staring at the thick book. The sunlight warms me, and I soon lose myself in the story. It has almost all the information possible, with definitely no shortage of warnings. It has been stolen several times, with the most recent thief Loki. I put the book down and look for one on the Chitauri, wanting to know more about the race which desired the Tesseract so much.

"Come on, where are you?" I murmur, scanning the shelves. Stretching my neck, I catch sight of it on the top shelf.

"You have to be joking." I say, looking around for a ladder or something. Huffing in frustration I jump, and my eyes go wide when my fingers brush the spine of the book. Falling on my butt I stare at the book, calculating the distance between the floor and the book. I try again and I am able to grab the book, this time landing on my feet.

"My eyes must be playing tricks on me." I say, staring at the book and the top shelf, which is easily thirty feet above me. I curl back on my cushion, flipping the book to the section on the Chitauri. They are an alien, obviously, which shapeshift into anything by eating it's brains or body. A picture shows them to reptilian looking, and I remember the footage from when they attacked New York.

"What a good little girl, doing her homework." A mocking voice says, and my head shoots up. I look around but I don't see anyone.

"You really are tiny, like a mouse." It says, and chills go down my spine.

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