Chapter 1

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I fiddle with my sheets, bored. I look from the cracked ceiling to my arm, or more importantly the needle in my arm. The needle is attached to a tube, and the tube is attached to a bag containing a clear liquid. That liquid is the only reason I am alive. I notice it is almost empty and I sigh, knowing Pamela would have to go get some more. I never liked when she left, as I didn't like being alone. Today is my birthday, but I wasn't happy. I pick up my journal, and open it to a fresh page.

Dear Diary, Today is my 20th birthday. Yippee to me for making it this long. I'm so happy!! I am going to the mall with my friends. LOL not!!!! Like anyone would want to be friends with me, if I ever got out of the house. Why can't I have a normal life like so many other people? Why does my life have to be unfair?

I close the book and lay it on the table by my bed. It is bare, except for a glass of water. I thought over my life. I have a fatal disease, I have a severe allergy to all normal food, I have to live off a medicine made from chemicals, and my brother abandoned me when I was 8. Oh and did I mention, my brother was none other than Hawkeye, one of the Avengers? Who was I kidding, I had a completely not normal life. Pamela was the only good in my life. She found me and has cared for me since. I breathe slowly, the humming of my breath respirator calming me. I try not to fall asleep again. Sleeping means pain and nightmares. The medicine make me drowsy, however, and I fall asleep.


I watch from the door as Claire falls asleep again. Going in, I check her medicine. It is low, I will have to get more. Correction, steal more soon. Claire didn't know I steal it, though she has wondered where her medicine comes from. You see, to the normal world I am simply a jobless woman in her 40's. I have taken care of Claire since I found her 6 years ago, laying and crying her heart out in the gutter. At first she had been apprehensive, but she soon warmed up to me enough to stay with me. It had taken me several years, however, to get her to trust me enough to tell me about her past. When her brother abandoned her, he left her with major trust issues.

She has always had her illness. I put on my black jumpsuit and mask. Her medicine is a mix of several chemicals. All of them are very expensive, and we cannot afford to buy it so I have to steal it. It is a unique mix, and we had to experiment to get it right. Those days were horrible. If just one chemical were wrong, it would have disastrous results. Thankfully, we found the correct solution fairly quickly, and never had anything life threatening happen.

I would do anything to keep Claire alive, even if it meant killing someone. She is my only family, and I will protect that with my life. I quietly leave the house, locking the door. Claire and I live in an old shack deep in the forest. It was helpful for her illness as it has fresher air than the town. Also here we were safer from drunks and creeps. I hop on my black motorcycle, which I had silenced, and rode off towards the big city. It would take me about 3 hours to get to there, and I think of my plan as I ride.

***Clint aka Hawkeye***

I shoot arrow after arrow into the target, trying to perfect my basically perfect aim. At least that was what I had told the others. I was really doing it to try and get my mind off things, or more specifically, a person. Ever since I joined SHIELD I have regretted my decision to leave her. You see, when I was 12, I decided that I wanted to be tough and be on my own. So being the stupid 12 year old I was, I abandoned my sister, hacked all the medical records, and basically deleted her from my life.

Now however, I find myself wondering what happened to her. Is she even still alive? Probably not, but there is still a chance. I grit my teeth, frustrated with myself, and reach back to grab another arrow. Only to find, that I am out of arrows, and the target looks like a pincushion. I pull the arrows out and stick them back into my quiver. Just then, Fury's voice calls over the speakers, in his commanding voice.

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