Chapter 28

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***Claire***I lay on my bed, clutching my stomach in laughter as I watch Loki fuss over his hair.

"That son of a Brunnmigi!!!! He shaved the side of my head!! If it wasn't for the fact that he is already dead I would kill him myself. How dare he touch my hair!!" His hand went up to the side of his head to pull on his hair, and he glared when it touched bare skin.

"Looooooki." I say, dragging his name out to get his attention. When he doesn't turn around I huff in frustration. Sure it was hilarious watching him be this close to hysterics, but it was over his hair and he has been like this for hours. Getting off the bed I walk over and stand in front of him, and I pull him into a hug.

"Loooooooki." I say, burying my head in his chest. His arms close around me and I look up to see him looking down at me.

"Hi." I say, giving him a grin.

"Hi." He says, smiling back down at me. His eyes turn back to the mirror and I groan.

"Please leave your hair alone. It will grow back eventually." I say, grabbing his cheeks and pulling his face back to face me. I take one look at him and start giggling. His cheeks being smushed together causes him to have fish lips, and his green eyes are looking down at me in a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"You look silly." I say, giggling like a small child.

"Ha ha ha." He says, grabbing my hands and pulling them away from his face. Instead, he holds them gently and looks down at me fondly. I finally stop giggling and I look up at him, smiling.

"I mean it. I forbid you to talk, complain, curse, or think about your hair for the rest of today. It's driving me crazy!" I say, and he smirks down at me.

"You drive me crazy." He says, and when I open my mouth to retort he captures it in a kiss. Just like every other time, it sends sparks to my stomach and shivers down my spine.

"Knock knock." I hear Natasha say, and I quickly pull away. I bury my red face in Loki's chest, and I can feel him chuckle.

"Yes ma'am?" He asks, and I peer around him to look at Natasha. My eyes open wide in shock and my mouth gapes open.

"You're wearing a dress!!!" I say, my voice rising in surprise. Loki cringes slightly, and I run over to her.

"You look amazing!" I say, looking at her in awe. Her dark blue dress flows down gracefully, and it makes her figure look amazing. She has let her hair grown out since the attack on New York, and her dark red curls flow past her shoulders.

"Well, we have dinner in an hour." She says, giving me an amused smile. My eyes widen in panic and I cringe, assessing my entire outfit.

"I should change shouldn't I." I say, looking at Natasha. She takes one look at my ripped jean shorts and off the shoulder T-Shirt and laughs.

"Yes I think so." She grins at me, and I turn to look at Loki.

"Shoo, I need to get dressed." I say, grinning and waving him away.

"I can't help?" He grins wickedly at my red face and I smack him in the chest.

"NO! Now leave you pervert." I say, and I start shoving him out the door. With my new powers came some extra strength, and I'm shutting the door when he stick his foot in it and stops it from shutting.

"But I haven't seen you all day!!! Odin has had me stuck in boring meetings all day!" He pouts adorably, and I give him a quick kiss. Of course he wouldn't settle for just that and pulled me to him.

"I'm not going to go anywhere except my closet. We can spend time in the library after dinner." I say, slightly breathless, and he grins.

"I'd like that." He says, and I smack his chest.

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