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Hello Truyen, bet you thought I wasn't aware of how much you've been stealing my stories and putting them on your own site! Oh I am fully aware of how much you untalented pricks have been stealing from me and my fellow users on this site. I can promise you one thing, I will not stand for this! I know what you've stolen from so many hard-working authors on this site, and how untalented you have to be to steal people's hard work and reupload it to your site. I am assure you, none of us hard-working people will stand for this pathetic attempt. If you have the GUTS to, comment on this chapter and give me a valid explanation for why you've stolen my work, and the work of so many others. Now I am pretty sure that you may think you're untouchable. But you're not! No one is! It'll simply take a few people to screenshot all their stolen stories and send it to the authorities. And we can assure you, we will not stop. We will not rest! We will never give in until your pathetic attempts at writing are erased from existence. All rights of the stories belong to those who write them. Basically, this oneshots book belongs to ME! I know you're seeing this you pricks! You think you can do this and get away with it, don't you? WRONG! We will fight you however possible. If it means seeking legal action, so be it! I hope you've got a lot of money to pay, because some of us will seek legal action against you. And you'd better be damn sure we won't just stop there. No way! We will be sure to find whoever is in charge of your pathetic site and sue them as well. I'm pretty sure all these stories are copyrights of whoever wrote them. Copyright infringement is ILLEGAL, and can result in some SERIOUS jail time! Let's hope you're prepared to pay such a heavy price for so many copyright infringement acts. I'll see you soon....

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