An Unforeseen Examination

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Before anyone asks, this is NOT a smut. This will involve the White Scythe character.

 Shes not a well known one so i decided to make a oneshot with her

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Shes not a well known one so i decided to make a oneshot with her. Anyway let's go

Y/N ran panting for his life, trying to hide from the Brute Tubbies and their deadly meat cleavers. Hiding behind a large rock, he watched as they passed him and headed off in pursuit of another target. He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like I'm safe.", he said only to gasp in fright as a giggle was heard right behind him.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure.", the voice said. Y/N turned around to see a tall white tubby with a medic cap looking at him. He barely had time to react before the tubby punched him in the head, knocking him out. He woke up later to find himself strapped down onto a table with his arms and legs tightly restrained so he couldn't get free. He looked around and saw multiple dead bodies. Some hung from the ceiling, others were laid against the wall. He began to panic and struggled more only to stop suddenly as the same giggle was heard.

"Don't struggle now dearie. Your examination needs to be carried out.", the voice said and the same white tubby who had knocked him out appeared from the shadows. She ran one of her arms across his cheek with a smirk.

"Who are you?", Y/N asked. The mysterious tubby giggled again.

"I am White Scythe. And I know who you are, Y/N. I've been keeping a tab on you and want to make you my first ever successful test.", she said with a malicious smirk. Y/N began struggling even more, panicking as she took out a needle filled with a strange substance.

"This will calm you down and help you understand.", the white tubby said as she approached him. Y/N shook his head in fright.

"Please don't. I don't wanna be infected.", he pleaded with the mysterious tubby. She ran one of her arms down his cheek gently.

"Oh no, it won't turn you sweetheart. It'll make you understand who we are. And calm you.", she said as she injected the needle into his neck. Y/N thrashed around in his bindings as the substance worked it's way through his bloodstream. He somehow broke one of the bindings on his arm and clutched his head as White Scythe held him down. She didn't expect this sort of behaviour from him. Eventually Y/N calmed down and looked over to White Scythe.

"Do you understand now? Who we are?", she asked and Y/N nodded. White Scythe undid the bindings and Y/N got up slowly, staggering a little due to the substance and accidentally falling into White Scythe's chest. She blushed slightly before she helped him up.

"You were once a doctor here in the station, weren't you?", Y/N asked as his mind cleared. White Scythe nodded slightly.

"Stupid vacuum cleaner tainted a custard I ate and me and my friend Scythe Tubby became what we are now. On one hand, it's awesome. On the other, it sucks. I keep killing all the patients I come into contact with. I just wish there was someone who I could talk to without hurting them.", she replied as she began to sniffle and cry. Y/N felt sympathy for this tubby. It wasn't her fault she was this way. He gently wiped her tears and embraced her. White Scythe gasped before she slowly returned the embrace. Y/N sat down on a chair and White Scythe sat on a crate. The two shared hours of talk together and grew closer. White Scythe learned Y/N had lost his parents when he was young, and had spent a while fleeing the infected as he had no idea how to fight. She offered to help him learn and to become a sort of new mother to him, to patch up his wounds whenever he got hurt. Y/N accepted her offer and she hugged him tightly. The substance in the needle had finally worked. She had someone to look after, now and forever.

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