Chapter 25

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The drive could not have been more awkward. It's as if we were two completely different people from the past weekend.

It was partly my fault; well, completely my fault. A conversation was the last thing I wanted.

"So, I took your advice," Curtis started.

I hummed.

"When you said to just go for it and ask Prudence out. Because I was leading her on." 

"Nice," I responded flatly.

That is NOT what I had meant when I said he was leading her on. I wanted him to drop her and find someone else. Someone like... me. But it didn't matter anymore, I wouldn't want a guy like him anyway. 

"So, yeah. I just wanted to say thanks. Because you were like right, I guess," he admitted.

"Yup," I popped the 'p'.

He started to ramble about Prudence and other things, but I didn't even pretend to listen. 


"Helloooo," he waved his hand in front of my face. "You weren't even paying attention, but we're almost to your house anyway."

"Oops, I guess you need to be more interesting."

"Wow, okay, I guess someone's in a bad mood," he put his hand back on the steering wheel.

He let that sit. The silence filled the air and I realized how much of a jerk I was definitely being. I decided to at least try to make some form of conversation.

"Well, I mean it's not like I passed out earlier or anything," I responded to his earlier statement.

Curtis laughed.

"What! That is not funny!" I crossed my arms and slouched down into the seat. 

He was still chuckling, "I mean, no. But, the guy's faces were priceless. I've never seen them more scared in my life."

"Ha, yeah, and yours was the best," I said smugly, "white as a ghost."

He clicked his tongue, "Hm, I care to disagree. Yours definitely won." 

I rolled my eyes. But I had to admit, it was kinda funny, after the fact at least. I couldn't even imagine how it would've looked to someone watching. But thank goodness it's over, hopefully everyone moves on and we can all focus up for Friday's game.

He pulled into my driveway and got out to open the passenger door for me and grab my bags. I guess he was a pretty decent guy, and I shouldn't make things harder than they had to be. I started to think we would be better as friends anyway.

As we walked up to my porch I grabbed his arm to stop him before Jackson or Trenton saw us.

"I just wanted to say thank you, Curtis. This meant a lot to me, no matter how annoying you may get," I winked at him.

He beamed at me like a little boy in a candy store, "Anytime, but like not really because I hope this never happens again.... You passing out I mean."

I blushed and glanced down at my feet, "Me too." I looked back up into his eyes, "You are a really good friend, Curtis." I smiled.

If I hadn't been looking at his face, I never would have noticed his smile falter or the flash of something in his eyes. But it was gone before I could tell if it was just my imagination. 

He recovered though, "Thanks, Robin. You are too."


Curtis and I were sitting in my basement watching Trenton and his friends play COD. Watching them moving and spinning their characters so fast made my head hurt. Chris was the only one not there because he was hanging out with Imre. 

Curtis had helped me inside and had taken my stuff upstairs. He was hanging around per coaches orders to make sure I was 100%, but he had definitely already done his job. I wondered what Prudence would think of him right now.

I was getting sick from the game and I was getting hungry so I turned to Curtis, "Want to make dinner with me?"

"OOOOH yes!" said Zack, "How about spaghetti!!" 

The other guys all agreed, so I looked to Curtis for an answer.

"Sure why not," he said as he hopped up from the couch.

He followed me upstairs into the kitchen, "you know how to make pasta right?"

I laughed, "Uh, duh. Don't you?"

"Of course. I'm actually quite experienced in the kitchen, and many other things," he wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I punched his arm, "Shut up. I'm the head chef, so now you listen to me."

"Yes, ma'am."


After an hour of making messes and laughing, we finally had the table set with a giant bowl of spaghetti and meatballs, avocado salad, and garlic buttered bread.

It was quite the process and I ended up with sauce smeared on my right cheek from Curtis 'accidentally' mistaking it for a meatball. But my abs hurt from laughing and I realized how much fun we had actually had.

"Dinner's readyyy!" I screamed so loud our neighbors probably heard. 

The boys all came running up the stairs to the table. "Wow it smells so good you two!" Trenton commented, "And Curtis you are staying to enjoy it, right?"

"Well...." Curtis hesitated.

"Yes. He is," I answered for him and dragged him by the arm to the table.

We all sat down and dug in. 


I walked Curtis to the door after everyone was done and we had cleaned up. "Thanks for your help tonight, I had a lot of fun."

"No problem. I did too," he grinned.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then," I opened the door for him and smiled.

He walked out, and turned back to me, "Yeah, I'll see ya."

He hesitated, as if waiting for something, but I didn't realize it.

I nodded at him and shut the door.

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