Chapter 1

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A/N I am rewriting this book to make it better. I wrote it in 2015 and so I'm updating it. I appreciate all feedback and I love all my readers. Thank you!

I am Robin Cabot. I play football. Well, I did at my old school, before we moved. Now I'm going to try out for my new school's team.

At my new school I get teased. A lot, but that's how I met my best friend.

Her name is Imre. She is the only one in the whole school (besides my brother)  not trying to tear me apart.

My older brother Trenton is now in college, but is home a lot. He usually has his friends Jason, Zack, and Chris over. They all usually hang out downstairs doing who knows what.

My other brother Jackson is going to be a senior making him only two years older than me. He is either chilling with his friends or working out for football. He is the team's star line backer.

Since my mom died when I was little my dad has been working full time jobs, I rarely see him.

I am (at least what I think) an average person. I am smart, quiet (at least that's what most people think) and athletic. Football tryouts are after school tomorrow.

Even though I am extremely skilled and know the game inside out, when you face a big, bulky, hunk of muscle you have a quarter of a chance of walking out of there.

Especially when you are me. A girl who plays football. Most people are disgusted that a girl would play. Even angered. They say we should be on the sidelines cheering.

Now, wish me some luck because I'm going to need as much as I can get.

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