Chapter 21

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I declined the call.

Not even 2 seconds later he tried calling again.

I declined it again.

I was not ready to talk to him. I didn't know how I felt about him, or Curtis, for that matter.

My phone started ringing again, and that annoyed me.

I declined it, and before he could call again, I texted him saying if we were going to talk I wanted it to be in person.

He didn't try calling again.

I tossed my phone and started concentrating on my paper.


He didn't try to talk for the rest of the weekend.

Neither did Curtis.


My thoughts were helplessly scattered and I knew even less now what I wanted. I partly thought I wanted to talk something-anything out with Jeff, but I dreaded hearing his voice. But maybe I didn't ever want to see him again and I only wanted to be with Curtis. But being on the football team made both of those things impossible. 


Sooner than I wanted it was Monday, and I was dreading school, especially practice. I went into my closet finding boxes of clothes sitting in the middle. They were definitely from Imre, she must've dropped them off when I was out or busy. I smiled as I saw a note laying on top of the one closest to me.


         I hope you can figure out things that go well together. Maybe my style senses have rubbed off on you ;) hehe I can help later don't worry. Can't wait to see you Monday!

        <3your bestie xoxo

I started digging through the first box to see what looked right for the day. I honestly wasn't in the mood to try today, but apparently you feel better and more confident when you look good. 

I grabbed some black high-waisted denim pants, a bright patterned fitted v-neck shirt, and a white bra-let and threw it on. I cuffed the bottoms, threw on white converse, and looked in the mirror. I smiled; I felt better already.

I packed my football bag and backpack and plodded down the stairs to get breakfast but Jackson was already in his car honking. I decided skipping one meal today would be fine, I would just eat a big lunch.


I walked up the front lawn of the school to the giant front doors. Walking through the clumps of people hearing whispers and feeling stares gave me Deja Vu of homecoming night. I tried not to think of if people were talking about the party after. I could only hope not. 

I made it to first period without seeing Curtis or Jeff; surprising.  

Lunch came and Imre scared me by running up behind and grabbing my waist, "Hey sexy girl you look SO good today! I am so proud and happy for you!"

"All thanks to you bestie," I said side hugging her as we walked toward the lunch room.

We had our food, sitting at the lunch table when Bella and Lizzy came over and sat on either side of us, "OMG HIIIII," they gushed.

"Hey girls," I laughed, "how was your night?"

They looked at each other and giggled, "Oh baby it was the usual, but how was yours?!? We've heard a lot of things, but what HAPPENED actually??" 

"What do you mean?" I played dumb. 

"So, like, Jeff????? orrrrrr....?" Lizzy drawled.

That caught me off guard. Curtis was the last guy I was with that night, but maybe I was missing something.

As if on cue both girls looked up and screeched, "OMG PRUDENCE your necklace is SO gorgeous when did you get that, I've never seen it before!"

I didn't look, but soon enough Prudence came around to the other side of the table and sat down with her food and a boy attached to her side. His sturdy shoulder around hers. His defined arm across her back. His muscular hand gripping her waist. His piercing blue eyes on hers. His perfect lips curled up revealing his perfect teeth.

Prudence laughed, snapping me out of my admiration, "My mom gave it to me for a homecoming gift."

"It's beautiful," I said.

Prudence looked at me shocked, then recovered, "Well, thanks, Robin." Then she huffed as if she regretted her genuinity, "C'mon Curtis, I forgot something." She grabbed the shirt from his chest, urging him to come. 

So that's what I had missed. I guess he had taken my advice and asked her out. I guess I was wrong about anything I had thought we had. 

Prudence seemed truly happy and relaxed. It accentuated her features, and I could almost admit she was really pretty.  It was hard to dislike her, but then I remembered everything she had done.

She started to stand up and Curtis finally looked at me, with... pity? But then his eyes darted to something behind me and they hardened. 

A warm hand wrapped around my arm, "Can I talk to you please? Alone?"

I turned to find none other than Jeff towering over me. 

"Uhhh," I stammered, "Yes?"

"Great, come on," he started pulling me towards the door.

I spared a glance back to the table. Imre winked, but before I turned to follow Jeff I caught Curtis's glare. Glare?

But he had already turned back to accompany Prudence.

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