Chapter 16

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We stopped by Imre's house to change on our way to Curtis's. I was sitting on her bed while she was in the bathroom; the boys were downstairs probably already ready. I wanted to tell her everything because I wanted to know what she thought, but I didn't know how to tell her. 

Thoughts raced through my head, but none were making sense so I collapsed backward on the bed exasperated. 

Imre came out of the bathroom and huffed at my body sprawled out on her bed. A few seconds later, clothes smacked onto my face. "Hey!" I shouted and bolted upright. I looked over to see Imre laughing in the doorway to her closet. I rolled my eyes before getting up and putting on the outfit. 

It was a fitted neon yellow off-the-shoulder long sleeved crop top with a fitted black latex skirt. I could hardly breathe from the tight clothes, but when I looked in the mirror I didn't care. My figure was again prominently visible, and the neon would make sure all eyes were on me. I didn't want to admit it, but I kind of liked the attention I got at the dance. It's making me second my outfit choices of sweats and sweatshirts everyday. I figured I could at least voice this dilemma to Imre. 

I turned to her and explained my desire while pulling on my cute white sneakers. 

"ROBIN!" she exclaimed before I could finish, "YES! YES YES! I've been dying for the day you finally asked me!" she squealed. "It won't take long at all, I already have a few boxes of clothes from my sister I don't want and other clothes that would fit you better than me." The words kept tumbling out her mouth in a jumble, "I can help you take them to your house and then we can go shopping after too, I'm thinking maybe this weekend, then we can-" 

I cut her off by bounding to her and squeezing her in an unbreakable hug. "Thank you, Imre, so much for real. I love you bestie forever," I said hugging unbelievably tighter. 

"Okay, okay, you're breaking me," her voice strained. 

"Sorry!" I jumped back but we both smiled at each other and bounced toward the door of her room. 

We all rode in Jeff's car to Curtis's house. I didn't know how I felt about seeing Curtis now so soon. Especially because I'm technically with Jeff. And Jeff likes me, I guess, and I think I like him. He is a sweet, genuine guy that has been one of my friends in a way since I moved to the school. He was never mean to me. 

But he also never showed a real interest in me until the dance. And I received all the attention, and I appeared desirable. But maybe it's because I never gave him an opening to make any moves. I don't know, all this thinking is making my head hurt. 

We had to park a ways down the street because there were so many cars, but Curtis's house was secluded in a rural area so the booming music wouldn't disturb anyone. 

As we walked up to the house I held in a gasp. It was HUGE. And I could see a pool and hot tub in the ginormous backyard. I didn't know Curtis was like.... rich. But then again, so were most of the people in this town.

We walked in the front door, the lights already giving me a stroke, but I liked the feeling. I smiled as people turned to stare at me. I grew conscious of Jeff's arm wrapped securely around me and started to wish I had come alone. But he was popular so people probably just thought of us as the next power couple. The thought of that sent a pang of regret through my heart, but I couldn't place it. 

"Sooooo," Jeff said, "shall I get us a drink?" he extended his hand.

"Indeed." I stated, "I came here to party so let's go crazy. But only tonight, and not too crazy," I winked.


I was two drinks down with another in my hand, swaying to the music with Imre. The boys were talking with a group of guys from the team.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked to see none other than Prudence's posse. The two girls giggled before one pulled me in for a hug.

"OMG I'm so happy I have finally met you! I am Bella and this is Lizzy!" she gushed. "You look SO amazing, I LOVE your outfit! Isn't this party spectacular! Curtis has the best house for it, and his parents are SO chill." She smiled pulling me over to a counter. I shot Imre a sorry glance and she waved her hand laughing.

"Here! Try this it's SO good, you won't believe it," Lizzy said shoving a small plastic cup into my hand. 

I'd had no room to speak before, but now I managed a small laugh, "What is it?"

"Jell-O shotsss!" They sang in unison. They both grabbed one and bumped it to mine before swallowing theirs. 

"Here goes nothing," and I threw mine back too. "Wow, that's actually so good!"

"Yes, we know let's do moreeeee!" they squealed. 

Bella and Lizzy actually seemed pretty sweet. Very shallow yes, but nice and delicate. I started to think of my boy troubles, but my mind was getting fuzzy so I started to let it all drift away.

Imre sound joined us and we four were soon a laughing mess. This was the most fun I had had in a long, long time. That's when I saw it. Him. 

I knew it was Curtis, because I just know. But he was with someone else. He was leaning down, and they were passionately interlocked. I didn't recognize the girl at first until they turned slightly.

I gasped, "Prudence."

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