Chapter 24

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"Get more ice!"

"More water!"

"No, not that, you idiot!"

The voices came back and wouldn't shut up again. They sounded frantic and worried. I wished they would go away, but they were becoming louder and more distinct every second.

"Robin! Can you hear me?"

The numbness in my body started to fade and I could feel ice everywhere, covering my bare skin.  The events started coming back to me and I was trying to scream and tell them I was okay. To tell them I was fine and to leave me alone. I was so embarrassed. My cheeks were probably tomato red with humiliation, but I guess it would just look like the heat. 

I couldn't move. I was straining every muscle for anything; a twitch. Nothing.

My legs were in the air, someone was holding them up with icepacks draped over them. My arms were eagle spread with ice coating every inch. Cold. All the way down to my stomach, under my back, the sides of my neck. My shirt had been torn off, but I was still sweating with warmth. I could feel my pulse racing and my chest convulsing with desperate inhales of oxygen. 

Then, my hand clenched. It worked! I tried to speak, but my voice was gone.

"Robin!" Someone grabbed my clenched hand. I unclenched it, my fingers quivering.

"She's coming to," someone that sounded like Coach said.

It was like a switch went off. My eyes burst open wide. I shifted my arms down and tried to sit up.

Jeff pushed me back down, "No, you need to stay." He was the one who had grabbed my hand.

Coach was to my right, kneeling with his watch out, probably to check my heart rate. 

It was Curtis who held my feet in the air. I tried to pull them down, but he easily resisted and shook his head slightly. 

"I'm. Fine." I huffed and crossed my arms.

Relief washed over everyone's faces and their postures visibly relaxed.

I then noticed we were way off to the side of the field in the shade. They had to have moved me at least 20 yards off the field. Most of the guys had ice and water bottles in their hands, the rest were standing awkwardly to the side, observing what had happened.

"You are one tough cookie," said Coach, "you really push yourself, not many people have that grit."

I laughed, "Yeah, that was fun. But, definitely don't want to do that again."

Halfhearted chuckles filled the air. Exhaustion finally started setting in after the panic attack I probably gave all of them.

Coach's knees popped as he pushed himself up off the ground, "Robin, you stay here for a while. We are going to keep an eye on your for a bit, just in case. The rest of you guys are free to go. Let's learn from this incident to NEVER skip meals, hydrate extremely well, and get good sleep. Take it easy tonight and get ready for tomorrows practice.

I rolled my eyes and my head lolled to the side to watch the guys leave, coach loosely following behind making sure they all left. But Jeff and Curtis didn't budge. 

"It's ok," I said without looking at them, "you guys can go, I'll be fine."

"Actually, Jackson left, so I'm taking you home," Curtis stated matter-of-factly.

"What?!" I was shocked.

"It's ok, he is going to tell Trenton and get things set up for you for when you get back. But I can take you home," Jeff said pointedly to Curtis.

"I don't know man," Curtis droned, "can I trust her with you?"

"I could ask you the same," snapped Jeff, "you only ever want one thing from a girl."

"Excuse me, I was not the one all over her Friday night. In fact, I believe I was the one that SAVED her from YOU. Sooo.... hm," leered Curtis.

"Well, how about y'all just ask me what I want instead of fighting," I heaved.

"Alright, Robin, what would you like?" questioned Jeff.

What did I get myself into? My lips parted, but my mind couldn't form words. "Ummm," I stuttered. 

Coach interrupted my confusion and called back, "Curtis, please take her home, and make sure her family knows and is taken care of. Stay there for a little longer until she is good."

"I am good now," I complained.

Curtis smiled smugly at Jeff after coach's words.

"Suck up," shot Jeff. Curtis rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to respond.

"Shut. UP! You guys are making my head hurt," I pushed my hands into my ears and squeezed my eyes shut. 

"You didn't hit your head because I caught you before you fell," said Jeff.

"Doesn't mean her head can't hurt, idiot," Curtis set my legs down, finally. "Want to try to sit up?"

"Like that's gonna help," Jeff said being so critical.

"You never know," said Curtis as he grabbed my left hand and slowly sat me up.

"Told you I'm fine," I mumbled. Then I quickly pushed myself completely off the ground and started walking towards the locker rooms. Might as well get this drive with Curtis over with.

"Woah! Not so fast! You need to take it easy!" called Jeff behind me.

"For once I agree," Curtis rushed after me.

"Okay," I stated, but I ignored them and kept walking. I was annoyed at myself for the whole situation, and I know I will make sure it never happen again. 

I passed coach who gave me a head nod, "Please take care of yourself extra good. We need you for every game, and I want you 100% for every practice. Take it easy now."

"Thanks coach." And I expected nothing less from myself.


By the time I had gathered my stuff from the locker room and come out, Curtis was already by his car waiting. Jeff's car was gone, so he must have already left. Weird...

"Here, I'll take your stuff," Curtis insisted, "don't want you exerting yourself anymore."

"Give me a break man. It was one time."

"And that better be it."

I huffed and got in the passenger side, Curtis had opened the door for me. 

As he walked around the front of the car, I could see the sweat still wet on his shirt and the small crease in the center of his brow. He had been so concerned for me, and it made me second guess my thoughts about him. But then I remembered what Jeff had said and knew Curtis could never be more than just a teammate. 

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