Dinner at the Andersons

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Friday came which meant dinner at the Andersons. Josie seemed to be in an ok mood today which meant either she was having a good day or she was hiding the fact that she was extremely nervous. She was nervous.

It was 5 o'clock in the after noon but the guys were still at work but they said they would cone by to pick us up. Josie and I decided to get ready right now since it was almost 6.

"Ali can you help me put on my shoes?" Josie yelled from her room

I came over to her room and helped her. She was six months and a half pregnant but she looked huge.

"Yea sure but which shoes are you wearing? " I asked

"The red pumps" she answered

She was wearing a white long sleeved bodycon dress that hugged her figure including her baby bump. I did her hair as well. I did some simple loose waved to make her look casual.

I on the other hand still had some baby fat which meant I couldn't wear anything that showed off my figure but everything I wore still showed a cleavage. After trying about every outfit on my closet I decided to wear a cream white red dress and pair it with some silver platforms. I decided to straighten my hair today and do a dark eye makeup look to make my eyes pip with my outfit. 

By the time we were done the guys called us downstairs to leave.


We brought the girls with us for two reasons. One,  the Andersons wanted to meet Damien's long lost daughter and two, the nanny had plans.

When we got there we were greeted by Anne.  She said hi to the girls and then came over to us and to meet the newborn princess. We went inside to find Daniel and Damien in the living room talking. 

"Hi guys" I said

"Hey Ali" Daniel said pulling me into a hug

"How are you I feel like I haven't seen you in years" I asked

"I'm good but always busy. So I hear I have another neice" he said

"Um actually you have two" I replied awkwardly

Daniel walked over to Aaliyah and leaned down to her.

"So this beautiful girl is Damien's?" Daniel asked unsure then looked up to Damien who was standing behind him then looked back at Aaliyah.

We all nodded while Josie stood there awkward.

"Um Daniel u forgot to introduce you to Josie. Josie is Aaliyah's mom." I said

"Nice to meet you" he said shaking Josie's hand

"So guys dinner should be ready so let's go into the dining room" Anne said

"Which one we have like three" Daniel asked.

Anne rolled her eyes. "The one by the garden. " she answered

We all followed her to the outdoor dining room. The girls were running and playing outside in the yard while we sat down. A few minutes later David, Chris dad came in.

"Hello everyone sorry I'm late but I had some business to take care of"  David said "so where is my granddaughter?"

I had Maleah in my arms but Savannah and Aaliyah were running around.

"Well which one you have three?" Chris asked

"Well all three of them" David replied

"Savannah and Aaliyah come say hi to your grandpa" I yelled

Josie and Derek were quite the whole time. Josie did have a few small conversations earlier but it seemed that she was nervous of what was next to come and also the fact that Damien was sitting right across from her.

The girls came running towards us but Aaliyah being shy ran to Josie.

"How's my beautiful girl doing?" David cooed to Savannah and she giggled.

Josie got up from her seat with Aaliyah in her arms to go meet her grandpa.

"Aaliyah this is your grandpa david" Josie introduced Aaliyah

"Hi sweetheart it's really nice to meet you. I'm your grandfather and you're gonna be spoil rotten with me." He said taking Aaliyah from Josie's arms.

Aaliyah grew to her grandpa quickly. Josie was received that she did. We ate dinner and talked. We all had a nice long conversation about life but not yet about Damien and Josie's situation. I knew Josie was trying to avoid it but it was gonna have to be brought up. Damien who was usually the outgoing one, was extremely quite the while dinner. He didn't talk unless someone asked him a question.

"So I think we all know why we're here tonight" David announced and everyone got quite. "First of all I'd like to know what exactly happened for Josie to have kept Aaliyah from Damien"

Josie and Damien were silent buy she chose to look up and just confront the situation.

"Damien and I had been in a committed relationship but he cheated on me when I got pregnant" Josie started "he didn't know I was pregnant although I was going to tell him that night I found him cheating on me. When he did find out months later he threatened me to give him full custody or marry him which I completely did nor agree on. Marriage is supposed to be with love and commitment which is something neither of us shared with each other. I considered giving her up to him for full custody because I didn't have the money to take care of her hut after finding out the sex and the heartbeat I couldn't do it so I fled to California where I lived with my aunt until i gave birth and made so time to come back"

"I see but how do you know that child is Damien's" David asked

Josie was starting to get angry but kept calm. "I lost my virginity to your son! And I'm not the type who slept around. Not only that but look at her she looks exactly like her dad except for her hair which she got from her grandmother." Josie stated

"Ok so here's what going to happen. Your still going to get a paternity test. If the child is Damien's-"

"The child is his and I will not go through with it" Josie cut him off angrily

"Then if your really sure that she is you two shall get married" David said

"Excuse me but with all due respect sir. Who do you think you are to ask me what to do or who to marry! I was willing to share custody not marry your son and besides I'm in a relationship with another baby on the way!" Josie yelled

I looked at Damien to help Josie out but he just sat there looking down.

"If you do not choose to marry my son then I will take full custody of my granddaughter" he yelled back.

Derek got up and walked over to David with his fists clenched. Before I knew it he punched him on the jaw.

We all gasped.

"I'm sorry sir but I will not allow my soon to fiance to marry your Asshole of a son. She deserves happiness and a family which seems to be something he doesn't have time for. The only thing he knew how to do was knock Josie up and give her a kid that we give attention to. So no! We also have another baby on the way so how dare you be so disrespectful and ask her to marry your son in front of me!" Derek yelled

"How do you even know that the child she is carrying is yours?" David asked

Derek was even more pissed then he was just a few minutes ago. He punched him again in the same area. Josie who was is tears got up and ran inside with Aaliyah. Derek ran in after her.

We were still outside silent.

"I think it's time we leave" I said getting up " Thanks for having us. Dinner was delicious."

I quickly grabbed Savannah and Chris grabbed Maleah from my arms and put her in her car seat.

We said goodbye but it was the most awkward thing. On our way home the car ride was silent. This was really not what we were expecting from the Andersons.

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