Welcome Maleah Skylar Anderson.

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2 hours later I woke up to Maleah crying. Those two hours helped a lot. Besides Chris' s parents would be here any moment and so would Savannah.

A few minutes later Chris woke up. I had Maleah in my arms. Chris came over and kissed Maleah ' s forehead and kissed my lips.

"I love you so much" he said

"I love you more" I replied

Suddenly the door flew open.

"Daddy!" Savannah yelled running towards Chris

"Hey baby girl you wanna meet your baby sister?" He asked Savannah

She nodded. Then walked over to me

"Mamma can I hold my sissy" she asked

"Not right now sweetheart she's sleeping but can you give her a kiss" I said

She smiled and kissed Maleahs cheek.

"Hey guys" said Anne coming in with David behind her.

"Hey come in" I said

"Let me see my new granddaughter" Anne said coming over. I gave her Maleah

"What's her name?" She asked

"Maleah Skylar Anderson" I said

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" she said.

"Alright you had your turn now let me hold her" David said. I laughed

Anne gave Maleah to David.

"Wow you guys make cute girls" he said

"Thanks" I smiled

"Where are Damien and David?" I asked

"We haven't seen Damien in a while ever since he moved out but Daniel is sick and didn't wanna get the baby sick so he stayed home but he really wanted to meet her." Anne said

"Um when was the last time you guys talked to Damien?" Chris asked his dad

"About a month why?" He asked

"Um did you guys know that he has a daughter?" Chris said

"What?!" They both said

"Chris!" I yelled at him

"Oh...um...sorry" Chris apologized

"Who's the mom?" Anne asked

"Um did you guys ever meet Josie?" I asked

"Does he know?" David asked

"Yes he just recently found out" I said

"Has he been around her?" Anne asked

"Yea he came by yesterday to visit her. Her name in Aaliyah"

" I wanna meet her" Anne said

"Um I need to ask Josie but I feel that you should all sit down and talk. Ever since Damien found out him and Josie haven't been too close." I said

"Ok. So when are you being released to go home? " Anne asked


"Ok then. I think it's time for us to go but I do need to meet Damien's daughter and baby mama. I'll call Damien to meet up at your house on Friday if that's ok with you" she asked

"Yea sure I'll let Josie know" I said

We said our goodbyes and stayed up for a little admiring our new baby girl. Savannah seemed a little jealous but Chris played with her and talked to her about being a big sister.


Today we were going home and I couldn't be happier. We signed the birth certificate and headed out.

When we got home I saw Savannah and Aaliyah running towards us and Josie and Derek on the Couch watching a movie.

"Mommy!" Savannah yelled running towards me.

"Hey baby girl I missed you"

"I missed you to. Can I show sissy our home" she offered

"Aww of course sweetheart but she's sleeping. I promise when she wakes up you may."

"Aaliyah where's my hug" I asked her as she stood behind Savannah

Aaliyah came over to give Chris and I our hug. It was a little hard to hug them since I was still a little sore from giving birth.

"Hi guys" I said walking over to Josie and Derek

They both hugged me.

"Alright we're gonna go upstairs and put Maleah in her crib but then we need to speak to you guys" Chris said

"Ok sure"

We went upstairs to put Maleah down. She was honestly one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever layed my eyes on. After putting her down I changed into sweats and a tank.

"So guys there's something I should tell you" Chris said

"Ok let's hear it" Derek replied

"I kinda sorta told my parents about Aaliyah" Chris said

"Usually I would be mad but they were going to find out eventually." Josie said

"That's not all. They wanna have a family dinner to discuss everything" Chris said

"I honestly don't think it should be the whole family. I think it should be between Josie, Derek, and Damien" I said

"Well yea but there are things that need to be said so I think that this dinner/conference should happen." Josie said

"Ok cool because it's not really an option. They asked us to go on Friday night to their home" I said

"Will Damien be there?" Josie asked

"I'm not sure. His mom said that he had been a little distant from them, but I think it would be best to have him there so I'll give him a call" I said

Josie nodded.

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