Family Dinner

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1 Month Later

Today we are going to have a huge family dinner at Chris' house along with my family invited.  I'm really happy to spend thanksgiving with both our families besides they haven't seen their grandchild or nice in a while since she was newborn Savannah Is almost 6 months.

Just decided to take a quick shower and get dressed. I did a natrual make up look with some wand curls. I decided to dress Savannah in a cute white lace dress. Chris was still in the shower so I decided to go downstairs and wait.

He came downstairs 20 minutes later looking cute in a white knit sweater with blue jeans. He looked FINE.

"Take a picture it'll last longer. " he said catching me checking him out.

I let out a laugh and went up to him and gave him a kiss.

After I kissed him I felt the urge to throw up. I felt someone pull my hair back. I got up and he looked worried.

"Are you ok?" Chris asked concerned

"Yea I'm fine I've just been feeling sick but I'm fine I heard the flu is going around so that must be it."

"Are you sure otherwise we can just stay home."

"No I'm fine Chris, I promise"

He nodded. Then we left.


We got to Chris' s parents house (more like mansion) and his parents greeted us.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Anderson. " I said putting my hand out for them to shake but instead pulled me into a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Hunny you know you can call us by our names." They both chimed.

I nodded

"Thank you for inviting us." I thanked them

"Of course sweetie, you know out home is your second home." Anne said


"So where's our beautiful granddaughter?" David asked

"Chris is getting her." I replied

After Chris got her we all went inside and waited for my mom and brother before we started eating.

We had nice chat with Chris' parents before we heard the doorbell ring.

My family was here. I was so excited to see them.

They greeted the Andersons and then came and said hi to me and their granddaughter.

"Hi Hunny it great to see you again you don't know how much I've missed you." My mom said

"Awe I missed you so much too, but I've been doing great."

"Hey baby sis" Derek said

"Hey Derek I've missed you ."

"I've missed you too." He paid picking me into a hug. "So where's my neice"

"Um I think Chris has her"

He went over and said hi to Chris and carried his neice.

Soon Anne came in and announced dinner was ready. I'm not gonna lie everything looked delicious and I've been on a big appetite lately.

We sat at the table and started eating.

"Hey babe, where are your brothers?" I asked

"Daniel is in California doing business and Damien is in Italy with his girl for her birthday"

I was sad that his brothers weren't spending thanksgiving with us I mean they were like brothers to me.

For some really wired reason when I smelled the Ham i felt the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and puked me guts out.

" I thought you said you were fine. " Chris said helping me up

"I am but I've been feeling really wired lately and I found it even more wired that I felt nauseous when I smelled the ham. Ham is my favorite food to eat for thanksgiving. "

"Do you want to go home?" He asked

"No we're staying"

"Fine but if you throw up again we are going home or taking you the hospital. "

We walked back and finished eating.

Soon I was feeling worse I had horrible back pains and was really nauseous. Chris decided it was time for us to go home. On the way back home we were silent.  Mostly because I was feeling horrible.

As soon as we stepped into the house I ran to the toilet and threw up my thanksgiving dinner. As I was rinsing my mouth I decided to get some mouthwash from the bottom drawer.  I grabbed it but before I closed the drawer I noticed an unopened box of tampons. Then it all shot me at once. I could possibly be pregnant again. I had all the symptoms cravings for the past few weeks, weight gain,  back pains, and nausea. I always had a pregnancy test just in case it might come in handy.  I grabbed it closed the door and peed on the stick.

I waited 3 minutes until I heard the timer go off. I got up and looked at the test only to find a '+' on it.

I was pregnant.

Unexpected Surprisesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن