Shut Up and Feed Me

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                        Merry Christmas everybody!!  I love you guys and thanks for reading. 


Chapter 11

Natalie felt pain erupting in her side and jolted awake.  She tried to roll over onto her back but realized, with panic, that she could not.  Before she could get herself too worked up, she heard a laugh.  Looking up, she saw Emma sitting on her side, knees digging into her ribs. Natalie struggled to let out a breath and shoved Emma off her, gulping in air as soon as her lungs were freed.  

She sent a glare to Emma who was laughing her ass off, teetering precariously on the edge of the bed.  Reaching out quietly, Natalie shoved Emma just enough to send her tumbling off the bed and onto the floor.  The small girl landed on the floor with a loud thud that Natalie could feel resonate through the bed frame.  Emma sent Natalie an icy glare from her spot on the floor and Natalie couldn’t help but notice that she looked like a petulant child.  Standing up off the floor and rubbing her butt, Emma let out a loud sigh.

“Being friends with you is a pain in the butt”, She said smirking.  Natalie groaned at Emma’s terrible pun and laid back down on the bed, Emma crawling in beside her.  

“Oh, by the way, your phone’s been buzzing for the last 20 minutes” Emma said, offhandedly.  

“You’ve been in here for 20 minutes?” Natalie asked.  She knew that any normal person would be disturbed by the fact that another person had watched them sleep for 20 minutes but with Emma, it was honestly nothing new.

“No, I just have this magical power to know when your phone goes off, even when I’m no where near you”, Emma retorted sarcastically.  Natalie rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.  

“You’re such a smart ass”.  Natalie reached over to the small wooden table beside her bed, unplugged her phone, and turned it on.  The screen lit up with a string of texts that appeared to be from a group message between Sabrina, Sarah, and Scarlett.  Natalie scrolled through the texts quickly and gathered that the point of the original conversation was to find out what Natalie’s plans for the day were.  However, it had quickly transformed into an in depth discussion about terrible horror movies.  Natalie was both annoyed and impressed at their ability to go off on a tangent.  

They were currently discussing how protective guys in horror movies seemed to be and Natalie could not disagree more.  She swiftly typed in her password and typed her response to the conversation.

Nat: Horror movie guys are assholes.  They never believe the girls at first and just try to play them off as being stressed or crazy.  Assholes.

Nat:  Also my friend from Michigan is here so we’re hanging out

Natalie’s hands were suddenly empty.  Emma had her phone in an iron grasp and didn’t look ready to let it go any time soon.

“I’m hungry.  Feed me”.

Natalie sent the last message, tucked her phone into the waistband of her pajama pants, and climbed out of bed.

Emma immediately got up and followed Natalie down the stairs.  Mornings were never Emma’s favorite time of day so Natalie wasn’t surprised that she was grumpy.  She also knew that if she didn’t get food into her soon, she might literally stab Natalie.  

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