Have a Little Faith

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It was only noon by the time Natalie made it home, which meant her mom was at work and she had the house to herself.  Quickly, she ran up the stairs and changed back into her pajamas before falling onto her bed, choking out sobs.

After twenty minutes, her throat was raw, her nose was running, and her eyes were burning.  Making a quick decision, she grabbed her phone and called her mom at work.  She picked up after the fourth ring.

"What's up?" Her mom answered wearily.  "Why do you have your phone out at school?"  Natalie rolled her eyes.  Of course that's what her mom would be worried about.  

"Will you call the school and excuse me?  I didn't go in today because I don't feel well", Natalie croaked.  Her voice was thick and scratchy due to the crying and it helped pass off her excuse.  "Are you okay?" Her mom asked, her voice now laced with concern.  

"Yeah, it's probably just a cold ", she said, hoping her mom would leave it at that.

"Okay.  Well, I'll call.  I hope you feel better."  The line went dead.  Natalie sighed and set her phone down on the bedside table before settling back into her pillows and looking around her unfinished room.  They had been in North Carolina for six months and she still hadn't redecorated.  The walls were still covered in the same faded paint, outlines of old pictures visible.  There was still a small pile of packed boxes stacked in the corner near her closet, filled with old trinkets that she got on family vacations and jewelry that her dad bought her when she was younger that had yet to make an appearance in her new room.

Natalie let out another deep sigh as she moved to get more comfortable in her bed and try to get some sleep.  As she closed her eyes, her brain drifted to images of her with her friends in Michigan and the close bond between her and her mom.  To images of her parents' messy divorce and the news of the move.  To the final days with her friends before moving and arriving in North Carolina.  She remembered the first time she met Grayson and Sabrina and the girls and how much had happened since she arrived.  

Fresh tears spilled over, sliding over the bridge of her nose and down her cheeks and she silently cursed herself.  She should not be letting herself get this distraught over a guy.  

Natalie furiously wiped at her eyes, erasing the evidence of her sorrow.  She groaned and rolled onto her stomach, burying her face into her pillow and letting out a small scream.  Boys were so frustrating.  Why couldn't they just share their feelings every once in a while? Like, would it kill them? She laid there with her face shoved into the pillow, thinking of the steamy beach incident and the icy aftermath.

At some point Natalie must have fallen asleep because the next time she opened her eyes, the late afternoon sunshine had turned into inky blackness.  She reached a hand out and felt around for the lamp on her bedside table, pulling the string and filling the room with light.  The sound of cupboard doors could be heard from the kitchen meaning Grace was home and it sounded like she was making dinner.

As if on cue, Natalie's stomach let out a low rumble and she quickly made her way down to the kitchen, rubbing away any remaining evidence of her tears.  

The light in the kitchen was bright and she had to shield her eyes as she settled herself into a barstool at the island, reading 7:14 on the microwave clock.

"Hey sweetie.  How do you feel?"  Grace asked as she grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge.  She turned to Natalie and her eyes widened as she took in her red eyes, puffy face, and tangled hair.  Setting the carton down on the counter she made her way to Natalie and rested a hand on her forehead.  "You don't feel warm."

"I'm fine now, mom.  Don't worry." Natalie brushed her hand off and got up, grabbing a glass from the cupboard before getting the lemonade from the fridge and pouring a glass.

"Sweetie, are you sure you're okay?  You're eyes are red and you look kind of puffy..."

"Wow mom, thanks.  I didn't realize that I was supposed to look like a model even when I'm sick", Natalie snapped.  She moved past Grace and reclaimed her seat at the island.  

"That's not what I meant and you know it", her mom huffed.  "You look like you've been crying."  Natalie stiffened.  "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."  Natalie was not about to have this conversation with her mom.  They had barely spoken at all in the last six months and suddenly her mom was ready to play therapist.

As if reading her mind, Grace moved to sit in the stool beside her.

"Honey, I know the last few months have been rough on you and I know that I haven't been very supportive, but I've been going through a lot of- of pain since the divorce and I was trying to deal with it without bringing you into the mess.  And I know I've been letting you slip through the cracks recently but that does not mean that I'm not still here for you.  I'm still your mom and as long as that's true, I'll listen to your problems and do my best to fix them for you."  Grace's voice was thick with emotion and there was clear concern in her eyes as she waited for Natalie to respond.

And that is how Natalie ended up crying in her mother's arms for two hours in the kitchen. She told her about everything that she had been feeling and everything that had happened since they moved, including the beach incident.  When she was finished telling the story, she stayed in her mom's arms for a few minutes as Grace rubbed her back gently.  Finally, she pulled back, wiping her tear stained cheeks and sniffling.

"I'm so sorry honey.  I've been a terrible mom lately", her mother said quietly.

"No, no!  I've been an awful daughter.  I knew this was hard on you and I was a little shit anyway", Natalie rushed, not wanting her mom to take all the blame.  Grace chuckled and shook her head.

"No, you were being a teenager."  She smiled.  "As for Grayson, just give him some time I guess.  He seems like a sweetheart and I'm sure that he'll come around.  And if he doesn't, then he's missing out."  Natalie rolled her eyes slightly at the cliche statement.

"I don't want to give him time because I'm just giving him time to realize that he could do better.  He already regrets the kiss, I don't want him to realize that he regrets the last six months too."  A little weight was lifted off her shoulders as Natalie finally voiced her main concern.  She did not want Grayson to regret their friendship; Not when he was one of her closest friends in North Carolina.

"Honey, that won't happen.  Have a little faith in the boy."  Her mom sent her a wink, standing up and grabbing the eggs.  "Now, how about some dinner?"

Just as Natalie nodded she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.  Quickly pulling it out, she saw Grayson's name on the screen and her heart leapt up into her throat.  Hastily unlocking the device, she read the message and felt her heart take a nose dive as she took in his sharp words.

Grayson:  Find your own ride tomorrow.  

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