Are You Gonna Have Pillow Fights in Your Underwear and Talk About Boys?!?

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         “Hey, Natalie, what are you doing tonight?” Bina questions over lunch on Friday.     Natalie looks up from her cold slice of pizza, thinking. 

“I don’t think I’m doing anything, why?  What did you have in mind?” Natalie questions wearily.  She may have only known this girl for a few months, but she knew that Sabrina had a tendency to make some rather crazy plans, and Natalie didn’t think she was up for a wild adventure tonight.   Sabrina grinned at Natalie across the table, reading her thoughts.

“Oh, calm down! It’s nothing crazy, but since you’ve been here, we haven’t had a sleepover yet!” Sabrina whined.

 Natalie smiled at that.  Sabrina was right.  In the nearly three months that Natalie had been in North Carolina, the girls had hung out after school or on the weekends, but they had never had a sleepover.  Natalie agreed, and pulled out her phone to text her mom the plans.

Since their fight, Natalie and her mom had been avoiding interacting face to face.  If Natalie needed to let her mom know something, she would text her or write her a note, and vice versa.  Natalie could count the number of times they had actually talked in the last two months on one hand. 

She quickly typed, explaining that she would get her stuff after school and then head over to Bina’s.  After sending the message, she pocketed her phone and went back to the conversation at the table.   She listened as Scarlett talked about the project she had to do for AP Biology, and how the guy she was paired with refused to do any of the work.

“…And I don’t get it, because he’s in AP, so he’s not stupid.  He just won’t do any of it!” She exclaimed.  Sarah let out cough that sounded suspiciously like the word ‘Nerd’ and Scarlett sent her a glare.  Sarah threw her hands up, her eyes wide, feigning innocence.  Scarlett just rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. 

As the lunch bell rang, the students poured out of the cafeteria, heading towards their afternoon classes.  Natalie shuffled off towards her speech class, happy that this was the last day of the trimester and they would be getting new classes on Monday.  Her three classes seemed to tick on forever, and Natalie realized how excited she was to go to Sabrina’s. 

When the final bell rang, Natalie slung her bag over her shoulder and hurried out to the parking lot.  Looking around, she spotted Sabrina in the far corner of the lot, standing next to a shiny BMW.  She headed towards the small brunette, ogling the car.  When she finally reached Sabrina, she gave her an incredulous look.

“This is your car?” Natalie question. 

Sabrina laughed and gave a quick nod. “Yep.  I got him for my birthday!” 


Sabrina nodded again, grinning.  “Guys always call their cars ‘she’ and I didn’t want to be sexist or anything, so I decided to call my car ‘him’”.

Natalie laughed, shaking her head, and climbed into the car.  After Sabrina got in and started it up, Natalie gave her directions to her house. 

            As they pulled into the driveway, Natalie got out of the car and ran up to the front door.  She pulled out the key from under the mat and unlocked the door.  Sabrina came up behind her and followed her into the house.  Natalie went up to her room and packed all of her overnight things into a small duffle bag and ran back downstairs. 

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