No Sex on the Couch

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 Natalie walked nervously out to the jeep at the end of the day.  She still wasn’t sure if this was a date or not.  At lunch, when she had asked Sabrina, Bina had said that it was for sure a date.  Sarah didn’t seem to think so, however.  She thought that Grayson was just being nice since he was Natalie’s ride and they didn’t have to go to work anymore.  

So basically, they hadn’t her helped at all.  

She was currently leaning against the passenger side door, chewing her lip and picking at her nails nervously.  She wasn’t sure what to make of this situation and it was driving her crazy.  He had made it clear that he didn’t like her but now he was asking her to dinner.  

Natalie let out a heavy sigh, slumping against the jeep door.  During her intense thinking session, she hadn’t notice Grayson sneak up behind her.  

“That was quite a sigh”, he said, watching Natalie jump and whirl around in shock.  Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted in fear.  The blush in her cheeks was barely visible through the hair stuck to her face.  

Grayson took one look at her face and doubled over, choking on his laughter.  Natalie stood there impatiently waiting for him to finish.  When he finally caught his breath and straightened back up he had a full blown grin on his face.  Just as he was about to say something, Natalie cut him off.

“Unlock the car.” she quipped.  He chuckled and pressed the button on his remote, automatically unlocking the door.  He walked around to the driver’s side and they both chucked their bags over the seat.

“Okay, so I figured we could go to my house and do homework for a while before we get something to eat.  If that’s okay with you.”  Grayson added, looking at Natalie out of his peripherals as he pulled out of the parking space and into the line of cars.  

“Yeah, that’s fine with me”  Natalie said and Grayson cracked a smile.

“Good, because I kind of need some help with the English homework…” he smiled sheepishly and Natalie giggled.

“No problem”, she chuckled.  

The rest of the ride to Grayson’s house was spent in comfortable silence.  Natalie hummed along to the songs playing through the radio and Grayson casually tapped his fingers against the wheel.  Natalie would occasionally look over, running her eyes over his tall frame.  Her eyes focused briefly on his hands before drifting back up to his face, where they rested on his lips.  The corners of his lips curled.

“You’re doing it again”, he teased and Natalie blushed, looking away.

“Doing what again?”

“That whole ‘checking to see if I’m breathing’ thing.”  He beamed at her, his smile getting impossibly wider as he saw her embarrassment.  

“Your remember that?” Natalie groaned, hiding her face in her hands.  Grayson let out a loud chuckle, nodding.

“Of course I remember that.  What kind of person would I be if I forgot someone who was nice enough to check if I was breathing?” Grayson joked as he pulled the jeep into the driveway of his cozy ranch style home.

“What are friends for?” Natalie inquired with a sheepish smirk of her own.  They made their way to the front door and Grayson unlocked it with a key he pulled out of his backpack.  As they entered, Natalie took in the vaguely familiar surroundings.  The same coats were still hanging up inside the doorway and Natalie noticed another pair of men’s shoes sitting on the mat.  Grayson apparently noticed that too and he groaned.

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