No Shit Sherlock

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Chapter 7


Shit!  Natalie rushed to the toaster pulling out her bagel halves and dropping them on her napkin.  She ran to the fridge and pulled out the cream cheese and grabbing a knife from the drawer.  Quickly, she smothered the two halves in cheese and threw the container back in the fridge.  


She ran out to the front hallway and grabbed her brown ankle boots, hopping around on one foot, trying to get it on.  After bumping into the wall twice and falling once, she managed to get her shoes on and run back into the kitchen.  She grabbed the bagels halves, smushed them together to make a sandwich, grabbed her bag, and rushed out to the car.  


Starting the ignition, she peeled out of the driveway and headed towards the school.  Natalie wasn’t big on breaking laws so she reluctantly followed the speed limit on the way.  She glanced at the clock every few minutes, realizing that she was cutting it close.  She had to get there.  She nearly threw a fit when she got stuck in traffic for an extra five minutes.  Luckily, she managed to keep it together long enough to get to the school and pull into her parking spot.  She glanced at the clock one last time and saw that it read 7:54.  Just enough time!


She pulled herself into her english seat at 7:55, well before the bell would ring at 8:00.  She looked over at Grayson’s desk, surprised to see that he wasn’t here yet. Perfect!  She had been looking forward to seeing Grayson’s face when she got there early (hence her morning rush) but she couldn’t imagine the look on his face when he saw that she had gotten there first.  


She sat patiently- if you consider checking the doorway every five seconds patient- and waited for Grayson to get in.  She couldn’t wait to see his reaction.  And when the tall boy walked in at 7:57, he didn’t disappoint.  


He strolled in with his usual smugness and headed towards his seat.  However, he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Natalie sitting in the seat next to his with her own smug look.  His mouth dropped open, eyes full of shock, as he stood there.  He didn’t move until a small girl with fiery hair pushed her way past him to get to her seat.  Natalie laughed at his shock but couldn’t help but be a little offended.  She wasn’t late often enough to warrant that kind of response.  


Grayson made his way over, dropping his bag next to his chair.  He sat down and shot Natalie a look.


“What are you doing here?” he muttered, pouting slightly.   Natalie chuckled at the 6’2” boy in front of her, lower lip jutted out slightly, looking slightly put out.  Natalie couldn’t help it and let out a loud laugh.  


“It’s school, Grace.  I’m here everyday”, Natalie snickered.   He gave her a look that said something along the line of No shit Sherlock and sighed.  


“I meant, what are you doing here on time?”


“I’m usually on time!  You just like to remember the the times that I’m late!” Natalie shot.


“There’s a lot of times to remember…” Grayson mumbled under his breath.  Natalie reached a hand out and smacked his shoulder.  


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