Butt Munch

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This chapter is dedicated to Wattpad user Beanieashx for the amazing new cover!

Natalie woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, blaring some bad pop song that she knew would be stuck in her head for the rest of the day. She groaned and reached her arm out to hit the snooze button and stop the song. The clock read 6:54 and she knew that she needed to get up soon, seeing as Grayson would be picking her up at 7:30.

She rolled out of bed and headed for her closet. She quickly grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, a white flowy tank top, and her black leather jacket. She knew that she would probably get hot but she was trying to adjust her body. In Michigan, Novembers were brisk and the chance of snow was high. In North Carolina, however, the air was still warm and the sun was out every day.

She grabbed the clothing and headed to her bathroom to change and do her makeup. Feeling like putting in more effort than usual, she threw on some concealer, a coat of mascara, and even took the time to draw on some small wings with her liquid eyeliner. She finished by running a brush through her hair and putting on a coat of clear lipgloss.

She made her way down stairs and into the kitchen, checking the clock as she entered. She had about 10 minutes until Grayson picked her up, giving her enough time to stuff a bagel down her throat. Her mother was still asleep, not having to be into her office until 9:00. Lucky Bitch, Natalie thought wryly.

She went to the hallway and slipped on her worn pair of red converse and grabbed her backpack. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she checked the time yet again. She had just read 7:30 on her phone screen when a pair of headlights turned into her driveway. Damn, that boy is punctual.

She stepped onto the porch, locking the door behind her, and made her way to Grayson's shiny gray Jeep. He reached across the front seat to unlock the door and greeted Natalie with a smile.

"Morning, Parker".

"Good morning, Steele", Natalie shot back. She looked him over as he pulled out of her driveway, taking in his good looks. His legs were clad in a pair of dark wash jeans, his biceps defined through the long sleeved, white t-shirt. His hair was damp from a shower and slightly unruly, sticking up in a few places.

Grayson looked over and Natalie realized that she had been staring. Grayson smirked.

"Like what you see?" He asked cockily, sending Natalie a flirty wink. She tried her best to control the color rising to her cheeks and refused to back down.

"It's not bad", she said flirtatiously, "but I've seen better", she ended dryly. He gasped.

"Take that back!" He demanded. Natalie bit her lip, holding in a smile.


"And here I was, trying to be nice to you", he said dramatically. "I was going to tell you that you looked hot today, but you've made me change my mind". He sent her a wink and a smirk as she failed to control the blush that stained her cheeks at his compliment.

"Oops", he whispered, still smirking. "Guess I did tell you." Natalie's cheeks continued to flame as Grayson teased her.

"Got anything to tell me?" Grayson asked.

Fighting her embarrassment, Natalie spoke steadily.

"You also look hot today Grayson."

Grayson's head whipped in Natalie's direction, shock etched in every feature. He clearly had not been expecting Natalie to play along and she sent him a slightly triumphant smile.

Shaking his head, he let out a chuckle. "You are a weird one," he said, his voice laced with amusement.

"Oh, shut up."

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