Your Dad's Dating A Twenty-Three Year Old While Married to Your Mom For Dummies

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!  Happy Birthday to my amazing friend Sabrina!  You've done so much for me in regards to this story.  You helped me with chapter ideas, give me feedback on all my chapters, and you push me to update every time I see you, so thank you!

You always know how to cheer me up (like when Luke Hemmings turned 18 and you wrote me paragraphs about how much he loved me) and you can always make me laugh (sometimes not even on purpose).  You're always there for me and you don't have a single mean bone in your body.  Overall you're a kick ass friend!

We had a rough start but I love you to death! I hope you have an amazing birthday!  HAPPY SWEET 16!!


      Natalie bounced into the cafeteria at lunch time and found her way to her usual table.  Scarlett was already sitting, picking at her nails.  Oliver sat next to her, reading a book through his blonde fringe.  Reaching the table, Natalie took the seat next to Scar, sending her a smile and a warm hello.  Scarlett looked at her as if she had three heads.

     “Okay. Who are you and what the hell have you done with Natalie?” She questioned.  Natalie rolled her eyes at Scarlett’s question and sent her a mock glare.

    “I’m just in a good mood”, Natalie beamed, shooting Scarlett a cheesy grin.  She was met with a look of bewilderment.

    “You’re not just in a good mood, you’re actually, like, hyper.  Are you drunk?” Scarlett jokingly accused.  Natalie let out a laugh and shook her head.

     “No, I’m not drunk!  I told you, I’m just in a good mood” she chuckled.  Her day had only gotten better since this morning.  Her trigonometry teacher had been absent and had forgotten to leave their homework with the sub, meaning she wouldn’t have to spend an hour after school staring at triangles until her brain her hurt.  Then in history, she got her test back and found out she had gotten an A, which was surprising because she had forgotten that they even had a test that day and hadn’t study.  So overall she was having a pretty good day.  She had laughed her way through her first three blocks and she planned to keep it going.  

    Hearing footsteps, she looked over, seeing Sarah and Sabrina walking over with their trays of food.  She shot them a smile as they set their trays down on the table, climbing into their seats.  They both sent her weary looks.

    “What’s up Nat?” Sabrina questioned slowly.  Natalie let out a huff and looked around the table.

    “Why does something have to be up for me to be in a good mood? I’m just happy today!”.

    “Well, none of us have ever seen you smile this much and it’s actually a little bit creepy”, Sarah said, letting out a small chuckle.  Natalie sent her an offended look and glanced around the table again.

    “Is my smile really creepy?!” she screeched.  Everyone laughed, not answering the question and Natalie looked down at the table.

   “Fine then.  I’ll stop smiling”, she muttered.  Sabrina stopped laughing and gave her a reassuring smile of her own.

    “It’s really not that creepy”, she promised.  “We just haven’t seen much of it since you moved here”, she said smiling.  Natalie sent her a gracious smile and began picking at her lunch.  They spent the rest of lunch chatting and laughing, throwing jokes around and being silly.  By the end, Natalie’s stomach was aching and she had tears in her eyes.  She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so hard.  

    Her last two classes went by quickly and before she knew it, it was 3:00.  As the final bell rang, Natalie packed up her books and slung her bag over her shoulder, exiting the classroom.  She followed the of students out the front doors and into the parking lot, looking around for a minute before remembering where she was parked.  Pushing through the crowd, she managed to make her way to her to her beat up Toyota.  

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