You've Always Been a Master Pain in My Ass

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Natalie got up at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon with a headache she couldn't understand.  She felt hungover, though she hadn't had a sip of alcohol.  She stumbled her way to the bathroom and downed a couple of pain relievers with a glass of water before heading downstairs to make something to eat.  As she stepped off of the stairs she was intercepted by her mother.  She had a smile on her face but there was steel in her eyes.

"So, how was the party?" Grace wondered.  Her words were nice enough but her voice told Natalie that something was wrong.  

"It was fine."  Natalie said cautiously.  "Parties are, apparently, not my thing."  Natalie forced a laugh, trying to make a joke out of the situation as she stepped around her mother's frame and took a seat at the kitchen table.  Her mom came to sit across from her.

"Who dropped you off?"  The nice facade dropped and Grace's face was a mask of anger and disappointment.  Natalie's stomach dropped.  She hadn't told her mom that Grayson was taking her to the party.  As a matter of fact, she hadn't told her mom anything about Grayson.

"It was a friend."  Natalie trailed vaguely.  Her mother's eyes flashed but she kept her voice calm.

"What was their name?"  She continued icily.  Natalie noticed that she avoided any pronouns, letting Nat know that her mom was aware that a boy had taken her home at 1:00 in the morning.

"His name is Grayson.  He's the one that's been picking me up for school every morning."  Natalie relented.  She really wasn't feeling great and she was in no mood to fight with her mom.

"And how well do you know this 'Grayson' that seems to drive you everywhere?  What do you guys do when you hang out?  How long have you been seeing him?"  Her mom shot questions at her like bullets from a machine gun.  Natalie could barely each question before there was a new one to answer.  However, her mother's accusations struck a nerve with her and before she knew it she was on her feet.

"Excuse me, but I'm not 'seeing' Grayson.  We're friends.  We don't hang out, he drives me to school and work.  That's it.  And I know him well enough, thank you."  Natalie said.  Her icy voice matched her frigid expression as she glared at her mother.  In the blink of an eye, Grace was on her feet across the table.

"Don't you dare use that tone with me."  Grace warned.  "I'm your mother and I think that I have the right to know who you're spending all of your time with so I can make sure you're staying out of trouble, thankyou." Grace shot back.   Natalie out a strangled groan.

"I'm not getting into trouble mom.  Do you know what I'm doing?  I'm taking your advice.  You tell me to make friends and the second I find one person that enjoy spending time with, you have a fucking problem with it!"  Natalie yelled.  

"Don't you swear at me, Natalie Rose Parker!  I'm glad that you have friends here, but this guy kept you out all night and I don't know anything about him!  I've never even met him!"  Grace shouted.

"Why do you need to know everything about him?  Why can't you let me be happy for once?"  Natalie demanded.

"WHY CAN'T YOU STOP PLAYING THE GOD DAMN VICTIM CARD?  WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MOVE WAS HARD ON ME TOO?  IF YOU WOULD STOP BEING SO DAMN SELFISH IT WOULD MAKE THIS A LOT EASIER ON ALL OF US!"Grace's face had turned a shade of red that Natalie hadn't seen since they had found out her dad was banging his secretary.

"Don't swear at me, Grace."  Natalie repeated, voice even, before storming out of the kitchen and up to her bedroom.  She slammed the door shut and locked it before sliding to the floor, letting out a strangled sob.  She let the tears flow freely as she buried her face in her knees, shoulders shaking.   

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