After: Chapter 10- Cause We Don't Know When To Quit

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Just as Patrick stood up, he saw Thomas slowly move away from Pete as move to the other side of the room. Yet Pete didn't try and fight back.

Patrick watched in horror as Pete simply stood up on his feet, although his movements were stiff, as if they had been forced like a robot and his face was just a blank expression, showing no emotion in any way, like a shut door. Instead, Pete just stood still for a moment, blood marking the floor where he had just been, with his eyes fixed directly on Patrick.

From the other side of the room, Patrick heard Thomas gave a wicked burst of laughter.

Patrick tensed slightly. "Pete?" he asked nervously.

But Pete didn't reply, or even make any signals in any way that showed he had heard him. Shit, he's- but before he could finish his thought, he saw Pete's lips curve up into a snarl, fangs exposed, and rush at Patrick with the increased speed of a vampire, lunging towards him- although Patrick now had lightning fast reflexes, he still wasn't fully prepared for the incoming attack, so he managed to dodge to the side slightly to avoid a full attack but Pete still caught Patrick's shoulder and sent both of them stumbling to the side before falling to the floor just a few meters away from each other.

Patrick hit the stone floor hard on his side from the force of being knocked over, the nerves in his body flooding with the shocks of pain- he tried as hard as he could to bite it back, he knew he had to act fast. If Pete's mind is hell-bent on killing me, something tells me he won't stop to recover or hesitate. Patrick rolled his body to the side as far away from Pete as he could get so it would be easier to recover, making sure to stay out of the sunlight's reach as he did so; Patrick tried to shove the pain and the sense of panic to the back of his mind as he swiftly stood back up, his new vampire powers meaning that his body quickly healed itself and his muscles were once again flowing with strength and power, his veins coursing with adrenaline while the aching sensation in his brain and limbs was already fading away.

However, to Patrick's dismay, it seemed that Pete had also recovered faster than he thought he would have and, like Patrick, had recovered into a standing position and was snapping his fangs in his direction once more, looking like an angry bull ready to charge. Patrick noticed a fresh, long bloody gash on the side of Pete's face where he had hit the floor, but in no way did it look like it was going to slow him down.
Nothing's going to stop him until he kills me.

Patrick looked to the side to face Joe and Andy, hoping that they would be able to give any sort of help- the two of them were still against the wall where Thomas had flung them and kept them there, as if they had been stuck upon the wall with glue. Patrick could see them both tensing, still trying to break free with all the strength they could master, but it seemed that Thomas's power was too strong and all their attempts were just a waste of energy. Joe gritted his teeth as he tried to thrust his body forward as if trying to throw himself off the wall, while Patrick caught a glimpse of Andy's eyes which showed his emotions, a mix of shock, determination and worry all at the same time.

Suddenly, Patrick felt something slam into his side with a strong force and sent him tumbling to the ground once more, his head slamming against the stone as he landed; he'd been distracted with Joe and Andy that he hadn't registered Pete's move to attack him and he had gotten the upper hand, having knocked him over, Patrick noticed Pete standing directly above him, looking seconds away from striking out again- Patrick couldn't let Pete get more of an advantage, so in blind panic, Patrick kicked out with his legs hard and felt as his feet connected with Pete's legs as they went out from underneath him, Pete growling like an animal as he fell down to the floor and landed next to Patrick. As Pete had fallen, it had given Patrick enough time to scramble to his knees, putting his hands against the floor to help push himself up, however, in his right hand he felt the smoothness of sharp metal rather than stone. A knife.
Andy or Joe must have dropped it...Patrick was brought out of his thoughts as he heard a low growl from beside him and spun his head around to see Pete trying to sit up once more, clawing at the air and the floor beneath him as he did so as if trying to tear it apart. Patrick knew that as soon as Pete managed to stand back up, he would try and attack him all over again- I need to slow him down. Patrick moved and clutched the knife in his hand; Pete was a vampire, meaning that the knife wouldn't keep him down for long and his body would quickly knit itself back together instantly, still, anything he could do to slow him down for a moment would be good enough.

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