Before: Chapter 4- Things Just Got A Hell Of Alot More Complicated

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I really hate karma. Patrick thought.

Unfortunate for him, the little excuse he had made to Joe and Andy about a gun malfunction hadn’t actually turned out to be an excuse in the end as one of the guns had broken when Patrick tried to reload it for tonight’s hunt so he had  to go down to the shop to buy parts in order to fix it. However, it had gotten dark quicker than Patrick thought it would and the night was already upon him when he had started to head back to the warehouse, with the streets practically deserted and with only a bottle of holy water and about three stakes tucked inside his jacket- it wouldn’t be a problem if he only ran into one or two vampires, but any more than that would be a different story….

As Patrick rounded a corner to the next street, he heard the sounds of fighting going on not too far from where he was and in an attempt not to be seen, he quickly ducked down in front of a car, keeping the top of his head peaking out so he could see what was going on:

At first, Patrick thought they were just a group of normal guys getting into a fight until he looked a little closer and saw a small brown haired man being thrown against the side of a building and recovering a lot faster than a normal person should and realised that they were vampires. Lots of them and they seemed to be overpowering whoever was being attacked.

Adrenaline kicked in as Patrick came out from behind the car, removing a stake from his jacket and ran towards the vampires; none of them noticed he was coming as they were too busy launching themselves at the person they were attacking so as Patrick got closer, he used all his strength to plunge the stake into the heart of the vampire closest to him, who was clearly taken by surprise as his eyes flew wide before dropping down dead. At that moment, half of the vampires spun around, growling and hissing and moved towards Patrick; Patrick reached down quickly to pull the stake out of the dead vampires back right before a blonde vampire leaped towards him and tried to swing his fist at him, which Patrick managed to dodge before lashing out with his right foot to kick the vampire in the legs, sending him toppling to the ground.

Patrick’s distraction had allowed the dark haired man who had been attacked an advantage as he now had fewer vampires to deal with; Patrick noticed as a vampire threw himself at the man in an attempt to knock him over but the man was quicker and jumped out of the way to land on the hood of the car next to him before kicking the vampire in the face, sending it stumbling backwards. Another vampire tried to attack but the man jumped off the car to land on top of the vampire and broke its neck before falling to the floor.

Patrick felt as the stake was knocked out of his hand and felt a fist of one of the vampires collided with his chest, knocking the breath out of him and sending him falling backwards. He had just enough time to roll to the side, out of the way and pull another stake from his jacket as the vampire who had punched him lashed out again and Patrick staked the vampire.

However, before Patrick could reach out for the fallen stake, one of the vampires had managed to grab hold of the stake and tried to strike out at the man’s heart- the man was fast but not fast enough that the stake caught him in the opposite shoulder and splinters from the end of the stake broke off and were embedded into the man’s wound. He screamed before pulling out the stake from his shoulder and with lighting reflexes, pierced the vampires heart with it. The vampire fell.

Once Patrick realised all the vampires had gone, either dead or had run off, panting with his hair soaked with sweat, he turned to face the dark haired man who had been attacked, however, was filled with slight shock and horror when he noticed the man had sharp fangs. He was a vampire.

Not just any vampire. The same dark haired vampire that had saved Andy’s life.

The vampire bared his fangs and began to back up, as Patrick noticed he still had the stake in his hands, he moved his hands and put the stake back in his pocket to show he wasn’t going to hurt him. Still, the vampire was clearly tense and in a position to fight.

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