After: Chapter 6- When Friend's Become Enemies

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It was now the second time Pete was at the old clothing factory that night.

The large, decaying building loomed above Pete, Joe and Andy as Pete instantly got flashes of images in his mind, recalling the events that happened here only a few hours ago. He noticed that the factory was pretty much the same as it was before, with its smashed bricks, graffiti, harsh cobblestones over ruined tarmac and lifeless grass. However this time, there was no large black van and the weak wooden boards that had been covering the large hole in the side of the factory were all broken where Pete had been thrown into them. Dry blood of the vampires covered the cobblestones and grass and Pete could see dry blood trailing the stone floor inside of the factory- some William's, some his own. The whole place filled Pete with dread and hatred as his mind relived past events.

Pete couldn't also stop thinking of Patrick; he would have felt more secure knowing that Patrick was with them and with an extra person, it would be easier to fight the Dandies. But Pete knew why Patrick couldn't come and tried to reassure himself everything would be okay. It'll all be over soon. We'll kill all of them and then return to Patrick. It'll all be over soon, it will be okay. But in some ways, it felt like a lie.

The three of them, Pete, Joe and Andy, all stood just outside the factory in silence, tensely waiting for the Dandies to arrive. They were all facing in different directions just in case of a potential ambush, with weapons ready to attack: Andy had extended his rapier, the sharp blade now pointed as he held it firmly in one hand and had retrieved a stake which he had in his other hand, while Joe also had a stake in one hand but in the other he had a small gun, as well as a vest on that had spare bullets and some of Patrick's holy water grenades strapped on and he stood with his feet firmly on the ground in both an offensive and defensive stance, prepared to fight. As for Pete, he still had the crossbow firmly in his hand, which he had loaded up with an arrow ready to fire at any moment, yet he didn't have it raised. If he had the opportunity to face them head on, he'd rather do that than strike at them from a long ranged distance.

They were all tense, even though everything around them was still. Until Pete heard the sounds of them coming from the distance.

The sounds of numerous footsteps approached, but they didn't have the heaviness that human footsteps did. They’re here! Pete stiffened, but Andy and Joe must not have heard them coming, however, they must have seen Pete move and knew what it must have meant it as the changed stance, ready to attack- even Pete moved his arm to raise the crossbow a small amount. Pete was still able to hear the footsteps, getting louder as they approached- he couldn’t tell exactly how many of them there were, but considering all he could hear was the sound of footsteps, no matter how much he tried to focus his hearing on something else, he could guess that there was a lot of them. As the feeling of adrenaline began to kick in, Pete turned his head and saw Andy looking in his direction, his eyes sending unspoken words of encouragement; Pete nodded as if to say: we can do this, before turning his head towards Joe and doing the same. Joe nodded back in response.

Pete wasn’t nervous. He just felt a burning desire to kill them all until none of them were left. William was dead, and he wanted to end this, now. For good this time.  
Bring it on then. His fangs were bared.

The footsteps grew even louder, and it wasn’t long until they appeared out of the shadows.

They came from all different directions and formed a large ring around Pete, Andy and Joe, surrounding them. Pete spun around, scanning their dead faces- there was at least thirty or so of them, all with sharp eyes full of rage, bone white faces and fangs bared in their direction. Most of them were still covered in blood from the earlier fight, and a few wearing torn clothes but they were still dressed in antique clothing like usual. As he scanned the dead faces of the vampires, Pete could clearly tell that Joe was right about one thing- they all looked really pissed off.

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