You're back?

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I wake up to this pounding sound. Maybe it' just my head, my stomach feels like shit, and so do I. I walk over to the door, Who could be here? I literally don't know anybody. Oh my god 

James: Oh sorry bitch did I wake you 

Liv: Umm I'm so confused

James: Oh no the doctor said that if you lost memory to call him, do you remember what you did yesterday?

Liv: Yes. You hit me with your car, Ethan gave me blood, and then we went out to eat.

James: Oh. Why are you so confused then?

Liv: Umm idk you're James Charles I thought you guys were just looking out for me after you hit me yesterday. What are you doing here? 

James: What?! No way!! You're actually so nice and super chill, Ethan was saying the same but we were so tired and yesterday was so crazy we forgot to ask for your number, and your ig. Anyways I'm just here to check up on you and help you get another interview. 

Liv: Oh well thank you but it's okay, and I'm fine my stomach just hurts.

James: Oh, I also came over to tell you that you should take your meds in the morning and at night everyday, and whenever else you feel pain. So maybe you should go do that.

Liv: Okay thanks. Make yourself at home I guess. Are you hungry? 

James: Yes actually

Liv: Okay I can make us some grilled cheese?

James: Perfect. Now give me your number before I forget. 

I gave James my number and then he gave me Ethan's. Then we made a groupchat. I seriously can't beleive this. 

Blood and grilled cheese 


E- what's up, how you feelin? 

James- Bitch she feels fine because I'm here with her

E- Okok lol wanna hangout later? 

Sure but I have to stay home

E- Yea, can I come by?

yea ofc come over whenever James is already here

I can't believe it. I'm hanging out with James Charles and Ethan Dolan. This is actually the best thing ever. 

What do you wanna do?

James: We could watch tv for now

Liv: Sure. I just downloaded all of dance moms if you like that?

James: I LOVE dance moms!!! Put that bitch on let's see Vivi dance in that honeybee outfit!

Me and James were probably watching for almost 2 hours now and I hear a knock at the door.

Liv: Ethan?

Ethan: Yea it's me, open up

James goes to open the door and Ethan is standing there with Mc.Donalds in his hand. 

Liv: Omg what did you bring?

Ethan: I got us lunch

Liv: Thank you! That's so nice

Ethan: No problem let's go eat

As we sit and eat I see my phone ringing. It's my mom, shit

James: You're not going to answer

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