Hello Max

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I wake up in a pair of arms. I almost jump but then I realize it's just Grayson

Grayson: What happened?!

Liv: I forgot you were here, don't worry go back to bed

Grayson: Nah, don't worry we're good. Let me make you some grilled cheese

Liv: Ugh yes thank you.

I'm sitting at my table while Grayson makes breakfast and I get a call from my sister.

Monica: Olivia please, I'm so sorry can we talk now?

Liv: Yes. I forgive you, and I'm sorry for what I said too

Monica: That's it? 

Liv: yes, now bye love you

Monica: Wait who's there?

Liv: Grayson is here

Monica: Isn't it like 9:00 am there?

Liv: He slept over

Michael:I'm sorry, what?

Liv:  Grayson, meet my brother Michael. Michael this is my FRIEND Grayson.

Grayson: Uh, hi

Michael: Are you fucking my sister?

Liv: MICHAEL! NO he is my friend

Grayson: No, I'm not. I just spent the night here because we hung out yesterday, we are just friends.

Michael: Okay, nice to meet you man.

Grayson: You too, now I got to go because the grilled cheese is starting to burn

Michael: I like this guy, honestly if you want to fuck him than go ahead

Liv: Goodbye Michael

Liv: Sorry about that

Grayson: Hey, at least he's letting me hit. Sorry that wasn't funny

Liv: It's okay Grayson. I use humour to cope with the trauma. Don't stress. He's letting you hit, but the real question is am I?

Grayson: Damn, that's cold. Here is your grilled cheese

Liv: Thank you sir, mmmhm very good 

Grayson: I know it's good. 

Me and Grayson eat breakfast and then I get a call from Stacey. Holy shit I totally forgot I have a meeting with her today

Liv: I gotta go, stay as long as you need to but Stacey needs me

Grayson: Okay bye love you

Liv: you too

I run to Stacey's in the ugliest clothes ever, but who cares. Thank God, it was nothing serious. She just needs me to fill out some forms for her

Stacey: We leave in 3 days, I need these done by tomorrow. And whoever your bringing too

Liv: I'm bringing Emma and I will get you both the forms as early as I can tomorrow. I'm so excited is there anything I need to bring?

Stacey: Nope, I got all the paperwork and everything for the shoot that isn't already there. Just bring whatever you usually bring on vacation

Liv: Okay, great thank you so much. And did you book the other room for my friends? They are going to pay you back for it, I'll bring the money tomorrow.

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