Friends ig

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I wake up alone in my bed thinking James probably left because he's busy, and I expect nothing less. I go downstairs and see James sitting eating cereal at the table

James: Hey! I would've made you a bowl but I didn't know how long you would be sleeping, and I didn't want it to be soggy.

Liv: Don't worry about it! What are you going to do today?

James: I actually have to film a video, you can come over and watch?

Liv: Thanks, but it's probably best I stay home. It's okay only a couple more days and then I can actually go out.

A week or two later I get my stitches out, and I feel so much better. I just have to go to the doctors every 2 weeks to make sure everything is going smoothly. I've gotten really really close to the boys. I'm about to leave for my interview when Ethan calls me.

Ethan: Hey, we're going out for dinner today

Liv: ok what time?

Ethan: idk, just call when you're back from your interview. Good luck.

Liv: Thanks, I'll see you later.

I arrive at the interview a little early, to give a better impression then the last time.

Stacey:  Come on in 

Liv: Hi, I'm Olivia and i'm so sorry about the last interview.

Stacey: Please, don't worry about it. I had no idea. Are you feeling better?

Liv: Much better thank you.

I get back to my apartment and I text the groupchat

Blood and cheese

I just got home, it went great  She said

 she would love to have me as her client!

James- yessss that's great. We are going to celebrate!! 

I hop into the shower quickly and put on trackpants and a hoodie, I really don't feel like getting all pretty. I know we are only getting fast food anyways. Ethan comes to pick me up and we meet James there. We end up going to Chick fil a and it was soo good. We were driving back home and James told us to go to his place. We go into James' house and get into the kitchen.

Ethan: So it's your birthday soon James

Liv: Yea! It's near the end of May right?

Ethan: It's in 2 days

Liv: Omg that's awesome!! Are you doing anything special??

James: yea actually, I'm going to have a dinner, I was wondering if you could come?

Liv: Are you serious?! Of course!1

James: yay! I'm so excited for you to meet our other friends!

As Ethan is driving me home I look at him nervously 

Liv: Have you bought something for James? 

Ethan: yea, Grayson did. Don't worry you will find something

Liv: yea, something cheap

Ethan: Do you need some money?

Liv: No, of course not but I know that my present is going to be nothing compared to what everyone else is  buying. 

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