Chapter 13: Hospital Blues

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Third Person pov *Hospital*

Jackson watched the two most important girls in his life slowly slipping away from him and his grief nearly drowned him.

The overwhelming guilt filled his body and he became light headed, he sat down only to be dragged up by the sheriff.

"Hey! What happened to those girls!? Huh, what the hell happened?"

"I don't know! I went out looking for them." Jackson exclaimed to the furious sheriff.

The sheriff growled in frustration, "What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found them like that? Don't lie to me son." His mind was reeling in anger. He may not have known Lydia Martin very well but Clarey was like a daughter to him.

"This isn't my fault!" Jackson said, angry that he was being accused of hurting the only people he cared about.

"One is your girlfriend and the other is your sister! They're your responsibility."

"I didn't take Lydia! And Clarey was with her!"

"Then who did?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, becoming confused. If Jackson wasn't with them then who was?

"Do you really want to know? Stiles took Lydia to the formal." Jackson said, he would've felt smug about it but his sister was in a hospital bed because of him.

"What?" The sheriff had a hard time believing his son would cause harm to two young ladies, one of which he was practically in love with.

"Stiles took her." Jackson answered, fatigue washed over him and he looked away from the sheriff as tears filled his eyes.

"Somebody better find my son!" The sheriff called, leaving Jackson on his lonesome.


"His username is 'allison'? His password is also 'allison'?" Peter asked the Stilinski kid, annoyed.

"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles asks sarcastically, seeing that is his second language.

Watching the screen on the IMac he became confused, "Wait, what the? That's where they're keeping him? In his own house?" Stiles asked the alpha next to him.

Peter, knowing now exactly where he was, answered the hyperactive teenager, "Not at it. Under it."


*Back at hospital*

"You know what? Its a good thing we're in a hospital, because I'm going to kill you."

Stiles' dad was furious at his son and Stiles knew that.

"Sorry I lost the keys to my jeep. I had to run all the way here." Stiles spoke out of breath as he reached his father.

"Stiles I don't care!" The teenager's father yelled.

"Are they gonna be okay?" Stiles asked concerned. The love of his life and her best friend are hurt and its all his fault.

He blamed himself, like Jackson did, and couldn't stand the fact that he got Clarey and Lydia nearly killed.

"They don't know, partially because they don't know what happened. They both lost a lot of blood, but there's something going on with Lydia. They say its like an allergic reaction and her body keeps going into shock. Clarey, on the other hand, is in a coma."

Stiles heart broke when he heard that and guilt continued to swallow him whole.

"Did you see anything? I mean, do you have any day idea who or what attacked them?" Sheriff Stilinski asked, desperate to know if he saw anything that would help these girls.

"No, I have no idea." Stiles lied.

"What about Scott?" The older man asked.

"What do you mean? What about him?"

"Did he see anything?" Stilinski asked.

"What do you- Is he not here," Stiles asked, wondering where his friend was. If he isn't here, than where is he?


*At Derek's house*

"Wait! You said the cure comes from the one who bit you. Derek! If you do this I'm dead, her father, her family, what am I supposed to do?" Scott yelled at Derek, who was about to ruin his only chance at being normal again.

Peter watched Derek closely, gulping for air. His body was burned, thanks to Stiles and Jackson with their Molotov cocktails.

"You've already decided. I can smell it on you." He spoke, his voice breaking after every other word.

Derek slashed his uncles throat and slowly turned around to face the others.

"Im the Alpha now." He spoke, his eyes glowing an eerie red.


Scott an Stiles snuck into the room that Clarey and Lydia shared.

"Close the door." Scott whispered to Stiles.

Stiles slowly pushed the door closed, it squeaking loudly the entire time. When he got it fully closed he locked the door and faced Scott, who was cringing at how loud Stiles shut the door.

Scott stood at Lydia's bedside, while Stiles stood at Clarey's.

Clarey's face was makeup free and her blonde hair was spread out around her. Stiles thought she looked beautiful when she wore makeup but looking at her now, showed him how beautiful she really was.

Stiles reached out and lifted up her pajama shirt that she was dressed in so he could see the bite mark that was covered by a bandage.

Stiles and Scott shared a look before they lifted the bandage from the girls' skin.

Stiles stared in shock at Clarey's completely healed skin before looking back at Scott.

Scott lifted Lydia's bandage to see that it was healing but not as fast as it would if she were a werewolf.

"What are they?" Stiles asked, concerned.

"I don't know."


A/N: Ooooo!!!!!!! What are they?? So this was just a filler and Ill be updating again soon!

Hope you liked and leave some feed back please!!! Happy Holidays!!!!!!!

Clarey's hospital outfit is up there ↑↑↑↑↑↑

ByE LoSeRS!!!!!

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