Chapter 7: Higher Than The Eiffel Tower

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Stiles pov

"Just a friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend, I won't name you because the shame and self disgust should be enough. Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Harris spoke.

When I glanced up from highlighting my book he was standing over me. I shook my head telling him I hadn't seen him before going back to highlighting.

"Mr. Stilinski, put down the highlighter between paragraphs. It's chemistry not a coloring book." I looked up and spit the cap out of my mouth before catching it.

I leaned over to Danny, "Hey can I ask you a question?" 

"No." I frowned at his answer.

"Well I'm going to ask anyway, was Clarey or Lydia in Homeroom today."

He shook his head no.

"Can I ask you another question?" I asked.


"Do you know what happened to them last night?" 

Danny frowned, "Jackson wouldn't tell me." 

"But he's your bestfriend." I stated confused. Danny sighed.

"One more question. Do you find me attractive?" I asked leaning more towards him before falling out of my seat.

I scrambled back up and got into my seat.


"Hi, Mrs. Whittemore, can I see Clarey?" I asked Clarey's mom.

"Sure, she's right up here." She told me leading me up the stairs and opening a door to see Clarey and revealing clothes. She wore Batman underwear and tanktop.

I gaped at her, her hair was messy and she was picking at her finger nails.

"Sweetie, there's a Stiles here to see you." 

"What the bloody hell is a Stiles?" She asked in a fake british accent before giggling wildly.

"She took something for her nerves." Clarey's mom explained.

I nodded and watched her close the door, I walked over to Clarey's bed and sat down.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. She gave me a sultry smile before leaning closer to me, "I feel perfect...." She said dragging out the 'e' in feel.

She leaned back and her shirt tank top fell down slightly giving me a view of her cleavage. I looked away quickly and saw a bottle of pills. Looking at the name of the drugs I gave a small laugh.

"I bet you can't say 'I saw Suzy in a shoeshine shop' ten times fast." I told her.

She gave me a look of determination, "I saw Shuzy-" 

She tried again, "I shaw- I saw...." She trailed off in a daze, a look of horror in her eyes.

"What did you see?" I asked. She hesitated, "A mountain lion." 

"Are you sure, or is that just what the police told you?" I asked looking into her eyes.

"A mountain lion." She said again.

I picked up a stuffed elephant, "What is this?" I asked. She looked at and then looked me in the eyes, "A mountain lion." 

I sighed, "You're so drunk." She giggled again put her hand on my arm, "Stiles," she bat her eyelashes, "I really like you." She said nodding.

I gaped at her, "Really?" I asked in shock.

She nodded again and leaned closer. I could feel her breathe on my lips. She closed her and leaned even closer and our lips were about to touch when she gasped and sat back on the bed.

She started sobbing and I freaked out a little. "Are you okay?" I asked frantically. She shook her head, "It had red eyes! Red eyes, red eyes, red eyes, red eyes....." She kept saying over and over.

I  pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. I got up to leave and I felt horrible, she actually saw the alpha.

Clarey's pov

The meds wore off and I sat in front of the mirror. I had mascara down my face and my hair was a mess. I sighed and removed the makeup and started fresh. I put on foundation and concealer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lipstick.

I am strong and my reflection is going to prove that.


A/N: So there you go. OMG Feels! ;)

There you go and Clarey's batman pj's are at the top↑↑↑↑↑↑
Bye Losers!!

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