Chapter 12: Seeking Comfort

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Clarey's Pov

I sat on my bed, mindlessly playing with the fairy lights above me. Looking around the room, I noticed it looked like one of those bedrooms off tumblr. I laughed lightly.

I was in a good mood. Scratch that I was in a great mood. I felt great. Kissing Stiles made me realize how much I liked him.

A knock on the door woke me from thoughts. "Come in!" I called and the door opened to reveal Jackson.

He walked in without saying anything and sat beside me on my bed.

We sat in silence for what felt like hours, but was really only minutes. I sighed, "Why are you in here?" I asked calmly, still disappointed that he'd broken Lydia's heart.

"Do you hate me?" He asked quietly.

I sighed again, "I could never hate you Jacks."

He lips twitched up into a barely noticeable smile before falling since again into an emotionless frown. "I'm sorry." He said before he collapsed into tears, startling me.

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around him, "I know how you feel. You feel weak and abandoned, like there's no reason for you to stay on this Earth, but you have me. And I'm not going anywhere." I said softly rocking him back and forth.

He sniffled and look up at me through his tears, "Promise?"

I smiled softly, "Promise."

He got up and began to walk toward the door before he stopped short, "I'm sorry." I felt like there was another message under that but shrugged it off.

"You can't always be strong, that's what keeps us human." I told him with a smile. He nodded half heartedly and left my room.

I sat there for a little while longer before my phone rang. I looked away from the posters that covered my walls and grabbed my phone.

The caller ID showed that it was Stiles calling and I smiled brightly.

"Hey!" I chirped still smiling.

"C-clarey?" He asked and my smile dropped. He was crying.

"Stiles? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked frantically.

"C-Can we meet s-somewhere?" He asked between sobs and my heart broke for him.

"Of course, Stiles." I said soothingly.

After getting a location, I slipped shoes on my feet and kept on the shorts and t-shirt I was already wearing. I hurried down the stairs and out the door to my car before heading toward the cemetery.

I pulled in beside the familiar blue jeep and jogged towards the grave Stiles told me to meet him at.

"Stiles?" I called out not seeing him.

"Over here!" He called back and I heard his heart wrenching sobs pick up.

I jogged toward his voice and my heart broke at the sight of him. He sat in front of a grave with a bottle of Jack half drunken beside him. Tears were streaming down his face at record speed and his body was wracked with sobs.

I sat next to him and pulled him close to me and he grabbed onto my shirt tightly laying his head onto my chest and we sat there for awhile the only sound being his sobs and the comforting words I whispered into his ear. 

I didn't ask why he was crying, because it was obvious. His mothers grave sat in front of us and I knew he was still torn up about her death. I sighed sadly, not pitying him but emphasizing him.

The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now