Chapter 11: Missed

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Clarey's pov

"He sent you pictures of you guys from when you were dating?" I asked appalled, what the heck.

"Yes." She said nodding sadly and holding back tears.

I sighed, "Oh Allison." I pulled her into a hug which was awkward seeing as she was taller than me.

"Thanks." She sniffed pulling away and wiping her eyes, "Lets go to lunch."

I nodded and we walked into the cafeteria. "I'll be right back." I told her as I spotted Scott and Stiles.

Walking towards them I caught part of their conversation,"I know nothing about girls and they are physchotic." 

I sat in front of them and gave them an obviously fake smile, "You're right Scott, you know nothing about girls and we can be physchotic, especially if you kiss them without their consent, taking their first kiss, and send them pictures of their past relationship. Emphasis on past." I said snarkily, talking about what he did to both me and Allison before giving Stiles a nod and walking away.

I sat down beside Allison and Lydia, who gave me questioning looks, to which I replied with a shake of my head.

I fiddled with my jacket for a moment before I heard Jackson murmuring to himself.

"Jacks? Are-Are you talking to yourself?" I asked amused.

He gave me a look before going back to talking to himself.

"Weird." I say to myself before he gets up and walks away, leaving me once again confused.

I joined in on the girls' conversation and we were interupted by a loud noise. We looked up to see Scott glaring at a now broken tray.


"Allison! I don't have a crush on Stiles!" I squealed in shock at her sudden accusation.

We, meaning me, Lydia, and Allison, were sitting on Allison's bed.

We were going to go to the game later and we were talking about it being Stiles first time on the field.

"You so do! He likes you back too!" Allison says happily, laughing a little. I felt guilt twinge in my stomach, everytime I look at her I feel bad about what Scott and I did, although it was forced on my part.

"No he does not!" I laughed.

"I can tell too, especially with how he looks at you."  Lydia chirps, joining into our conversation.

She'd been moping lately, she won't tell me why though, I'd have to ask Jackson when I see him.

"He looks at me?" I asked confused, but even I could hear the hope in my voice.

"Yes! He looks at you like your his queen." Lydia drawls out and I smile a little before shaking away the thought.

I don't like him. He doesn't like me.

"Whatever." I say, rolling my eyes.

"So are we going to the game or not?" I ask standing up. Allison nods but Lydia shakes her head no.

"I'm not feeling well, I'm just going to go home. Have fun!" She said before leaving quickly.

"What's up with her?" Allison asks me confused.

"I don't know." I say shrugging, then I remember something.

" you flirt with Jackson?" I ask timidly.

The Other Whittemore // Stiles Stilinski [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now