Chapter 22

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Francis woke up from the dream in a cold sweat once again, the same re-occurring dream that he'd had at least once a week since he got there. The field, the swing bridge, Mira, snap. Fall.

He caught his breath as he ran his hand through his hair. He crawled out of bed and immediately headed for the shower. He walked into the bathroom attached to his bedroom closing the door behind him. He reached into the shower and started the water to let it warm up before going over to the sink and splashing himself in the face with some cold water. He once again ran his fingers through his hair as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"I really hope these nightmares stop once I'm back at cross." He said out loud to himself before dropping his boxers and stepping into the shower.

He let the hot water run over his neck as he placed his forehead against the wall.   The water dripped down every surface of his body, waking him up for the day. He was being patient, but he didn't know how much longer he could do this.

Once he was done in the shower he dried his hair with his towel then wrapped it around his waist, heading out into his bedroom. Only to be greeted by Naiomi, who stared at him with tears running down her face, a crumpled and re flattened note in her hand. 

Francis looked to the corner of the room where the crumpled up note from his father had sat the entire time he'd been home to see it not sitting there, that's when he remembered he was looking it over last night and left it sitting on his nightstand, Putting two and two together Francis grabbed the rolling chair from his desk and sat in it then used his feet to move over to Naiomi and sit across from her, holding his towel in place with one hand.

"This, this is why you came home." She said softly as her voice broke. Her hands shaking as her tears dropped down onto the note.

"It is." He replied honestly in a calm tone.

"Is this why you spent so long looking through the family history? Were you looking for a loophole?" She asked looking him in the eye. Francis nodded slowly as he reached for her hand, which she held. "But, I don't want to marry you. I want to marry Stephan. I'm in love with Stephan." She said shaking. Francis shook his head and moved to sit beside her on the bed, he pulled her into a side hug and held her. He waited a while before speaking again.

"Riley found what I need to make this stop. It's on its way to us, it has been for the last week, dont worry Omi, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. That's why I'm here." He explained to her as he pet her hair. Naiomi nodded slowly when suddenly Frans phone went off, it stole the siblings attention as Francis reached for it on the nightstand.

They read the text from Riley together that said [package is in my PO Box, key is in Naiomis Bedroom.] Francis looked at Naiomi in confusion.

"Why do you have the keys to Riley's PO Box?" He asked, thinking of literally no logical reason for her to have it.

"He asked me to hold on to it incase he needed to send anything home that had to be kept safe." She explained. Francis raised an eyebrow.

Naiomi cleared her throat and stood up.

"I'll go get it." She said heading for the door.

Francis stood up and went to his suitcase to look for clean clothes for the day. knowing fully well it was probably going to be the last day he even needed to live out of a suitcase, he started packing his clothes back into it after getting dressed.

Naiomi came back into the room and dangled a key in Frans face before looking around the room to see all of his clothes back in his suitcase as he placed it in his closet.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now