Chapter 21

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( before someone tells me, I'm very aware the timelines aren't in order. It's supposed to be like that, and the only reason Im placing the dates up top are so you don't get confused as you read! Enjoy the final chapters! )

March 20th 2013

Riley smiled as he carried a briefcase through town. The sky wasn't bright today, it was cloudy which he enjoyed, it had taken riley and francis several weeks to work out the exact location of the documents, as there were a little over a hundred different churches in Ipswich, plus riley had to wait until spring break to get the time away from school to go on the trip, and arrange the transportation.

He was just happy to do his part for his brother. Though they weren't really related he really did respect Francis more than Chris and Stephan, and genuinely wanted to get him out of the mess that their family had entangled him in.

Rileys thought was interrupted as he heard a female voice call his name. Only to make eye contact with Mira who approached him with a wave while holding shopping bags. 'Oh no' he thought to himself as she approached.

"Hello Mira, how's your spring break going?" He asked politely.

"It's good, what about you?" she asked as a response.

"I'm alright, I'm running an errand for Francis." he responded openly. Miras ears perked up as Francis's name rang through her ears, she cleared her throat and then began to speak.

"You know what? I've got nothing to do for the next few days and I make some good company. Would you mind if I tagged along?" she asked with a smile, trying to be as innocent as possible. Riley was quick to shake his head and continue on his trail to the docks.

"I'm sorry mira but this is a private family matter, it's best if you dont come along." he spoke as he walked. Mira was quick to keep up with him, she wasn't letting him shrug her off this easy.

"Riley come on, if you're getting into something it's better you have back up then go alone!" she exclaimed as she followed Riley onto the docks.

There was fog covering the entire ocean for miles as a steam boat wanted on the side of the doc. Riley continued towards it before stopping in his tracks.

"Mira I mean it, stop following me, I'm sure there's plenty of other things you could do on your spring break. He said before turning on his heels and continuing to the boat.
The pair continued to argue back and forth until they were in front of the boat, Riley had had enough of her and snapped.

"LIsten to me mira, just because Francis has decided for some reason that you are important to him does not give you the right to start invading our family matters. You are being selfish and bratty and honestly you're annoying the hell out of me. So please, get the hell out of my face before I make you." Riley hissed before falling silent.

Miras eyebrows furrowed, she considered Riley to be a friend and didn't realize that that was how he felt about her. She opened her mouth to speak as Riley stepped onto the boat then sighed and extended his hand to her as he cut her off and spoke first.

"I suppose you are already fairly tangled into my family at this point. I apologize for my behaviour. Get on the boat." he muttered. Mira took his hand and climbed aboard the boat as it pulled away from the docs.

A while later as Mira was sitting on a bench on the outer part of the boat watching the waves Riley approached and sat down across from her.

"I really am sorry for what I said back on the dock Mira. I've been very stressed trying to keep Chris and Stephan in check while Francis has been gone and this isn't necessarily the easiest favour he's ever asked me to do for him. I-" Mira turned toward him and was quick to cut him off.

When She Stepped Into the 'Real World' ( a Vampire Knight story ) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now