Chapter 15

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Cross academy,

New Year's Eve.

Zero tied his bow tie in the mirror of the Headmaster's bathroom with a sigh. His black suit fit his figure well, shaping him correctly and not drawing too far from the wrists. His salmon dress shirt complimenting his blood-red tie well. Zero reached over the counter and grabbed a small red box then opened it up revealing a set of silver cuff links. He placed them carefully on each wrist as there was a knock on the door. "come in," he uttered as he fiddled with the last one.

Yagori walked into the room in his average clothing and nodded at zero who looked at him through the mirror. "You ready kid?" He asked leaning in the now open doorway to the hallway. Zero nodded silently and began to head for the hall. Yagori stuck out his arm to stop him. "Tell me tonight's game plan again," Yagori spoke.

Zero rolled his eyes. "I'm not a child." He hissed.

Yagori raised an eyebrow. "Just do it." He hissed back

Zero sighed and took a step back to look Yagori in the eye. "You and the hunters will be on the outside of the main school building guarding the campus and Yuki and I will be inside with the students supervising with the teachers but from inside the crowd. If anything goes pear-shaped well find one of you and let you know what's going on and you'll handle it from there so Yuki and I can enjoy New Years with the rest of our class." He said monotoned and rushed.

"And Mira," Yagori added. "You Yuki and Mira." He extended his original response before patting zero on the shoulder and ushering him out of the bathroom.

Yuki hummed to herself lightly while applying some darker lipstick than she was used to, to go with her flashy, sparkly, disco ball-like, spaghetti-strapped, sweetheart necklined, floor-length, cocktail styled, New Year's gown that Kaname had sent to her. She slid on her black 4-inch stiletto heels and buckled them securely around her ankles. She dragged her hand over her bare left leg before her hand started to also drag up the dress where the leg slit ended before tugging on her retractable anti-vampire Baton Artemis to make sure it was securely in place attached to her leg garter. She did a once over in the mirror with a cheery smile. She walked out of the bathroom and headed into the living room where the headmaster was nowhere to be seen. Yuki looked around with a confused smile. She heard footsteps approaching from the stairs and peeked out only to see zero and Yagori who both double took at Yuki.

"Have you seen father?" She asked the pair. Zero shook his head and Yagori cleared his throat.

"He had to head to the council for a little before the dance started. He should be getting back to campus now. I'm sure you'll see him there." Yagori replied.

Yuki nodded, then slid the disciplinary comity band over her arm, glancing at zeros before grabbing her purse. "Well, ready to go zero?" Yuki asked in her usual spunky cheery voice, followed by a small giggle.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He replied monotoned as he reached up and placed his eye mask over his face. Yuki tied hers neatly around the back of her head then the three headed for the door.


The school's ballroom was filled with students, and though this academy was for upper classed family's the ballroom had the extreme party vibe to it that night, the chandeliers were off and the lights were dimmed instead of live music there was a DJ and a stage that took up space at the far end of the large ballroom. all the doors were opened to keep good circulation. White disco lights spun around the room and silver and gold streamers hung from the ceiling. A huge banner was splayed across the wall with the words "HAPPY MASQUERADE NEW YEAR! 2012" all in black large letters. but the number 3 was painted over the last two to signify they were moving into 2013. There was a photo booth in the corner and a minibar and snack table off to the side. Also, a large screen on the wall that was playing the ball drop countdown, drowned out by the music. The room was filled with students of all grades in all kinds of suits and dresses.

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