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Betty's pov (kinda)

All I see is black, like I'm falling down a never ending hole of death. The unreal feeling of fear bubbled in my stomach, a flickering light at the bottom first started small but grew fast. I was now falling through a white tunnel, i was spinning out of control, strange objects floating around me like a tornado. Images of faded faces appeared every now and then, saying strange things. I ignored the majority of them until a very specific ghosted face appeared.

My father.

You are nothing. You mean nothing to me. You mean nothing to everybody.

I tried to block out his taunts, but I'm getting dizzy from spinning so fast. His face appears again, this time a full image of him, his hand has a tight grip around a baseball bat. I blink my eyes trying to clear the black dots from blocking my vision.

Die. Slut. You deserve to die.

I look up again, on the verge of passing out but I should've just allowed my body to collapse, because my fathers bat was coming straight for me, hitting me upside the head. Knocking me out.

I woke up in a meadow, filled with different coloured flowers.

'Mummy' a girl squealed sounding around 4 years old.

'I'm coming, juliet' a voice laughed.

I looked up and saw..me..an older more mature me. The young girl, juliet, looked like a miniature me but with black hair and vibrant blue eyes.

'Daddy let me go' the girl giggled again

I turned my eyes towards the guy the girl was calling her dad. It was jughead.

I tried to pinch my arm to wake me up from this dream only for my hand to go straight through my arm like a hologram.

The family sit down in the grass laughing and messing around with juliet.

That will be you if you wake up.

I turn around in surprise to see...another me but it was my current self.

What your seeing there. That's your future. But only if you allow yourself to live it.

"What do you mean" I ask in utter shock

You're dying Elizabeth. You have a happy ending in life as you always wanted. It can end now as you are, or you can wake up and see the truth.

"I can just leave my life now""But my future is with him"!

Maybe, but it's the future, something will happen that will make you see eye to eye with that new life style. A happy family.

"No. I'll never be happy. He ruined that. You know he did!"

But are you gonna let him write your future or are you?

"I don't know. But hes a mafia leader"!

Yes maybe, but look at the family again, look at the love in his eyes when he looks at you, when he looks at juliet. Dont forget who you are betty. It will save you one day.

I look at the family again. Seeing the love on all of the faces, I let out a breathe and stand up walking towards the mirage of my future.

They cant see you, but the future betty can sense you. If you choose to wake up and continue living your life, you wont remember this, it will be something you feel like you should. It'll be a distance memory something you can hold on to or let go. Your choice.

Look at this betty this could be your future. Just wake up. WAKE UP.

I turn towards the my current self' ghost.

"I wanna wake up, I want to live my life"

Very well. But remember, this may be your future but 'he' will interfere. Fight him and figure out who you are. Before he decides for you.

Goodbye betty.

I feel like I'm going through the same thing I did in the beginning only in reverse. Flying to through the white tunnel and back into the black tunnel filled with his taunts and the tornado of objects surrounds me again.

I touch my arm seeing that my arm no longer goes through my body. It felt like I got sucked into the real world, the beeping of the heart monitor filled my ears, I try and open my eyes only for them to shut immediately due to the bright light.

I feel a hand in mine, so I squeeze my hand as much as I can. I groan as excruciating pain stirred through my body.

I begin to open my eyes again, letting them adjust to the light. I look to my side to see veronica, sleeping in an uncomfortable hospital chair, her hair filled with knots and bags under her closed eyes. I feel a surge of guilt as I see her disheveled image.

She stirs in her sleeping, showing that she is waking up. She lifts her head up and I give her hand another squeeze. She turns her head so fast I thought her neck was going to snap, but she recovered quickly, looking at me with the biggest smile on her face. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.

"BETTY"! She screamed

I scrunch my face up in pain from the loud noise, she notices my discomfort and whispers an apology towards me.

"Your awake, let me go get a doctor"

"Vee" my voice came out harsh and raspy

She handed my a glass of water with a straw in. I take a long drink before speaking again, my voice sounding a little better.

"How long have I been out?"

She looked at me with a apologetic look on her face before whispering.

"Nearly 2 weeks"


She gave me a quick hug before walking out of my room to get a doctor.

"You're awake" a deep voice said from the shadows of the room.

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