Biggest regret in our list of regrets

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Warning⚠️⚠️⚠️ bad language and mentions of sexual harassment!!!! Do not read of it effects you please

Betty's pov

I sit on the chair next to veronica, near the back of class. She looks at me weirdly as I quickly scan my eyes over the class, checking whether two specific specimen have decided to turn up.

I didnt see them and made the decision to actually concentrate to what the teacher was talking about.

I look up at the clock as seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into two hours. Two hours of English, I'm surprised I'm havent died of boredom.

A few minutes until bell rings for lunch, I nudge veronica.

"Hey vee meet me in the music room"

"Okay, any reason"?

"Just trust me okay, meet after you get your lunch"

She nods her head and packs up her pencil case, placing it in her handbag. We sit there in silence until the taunting rings sound our ears, I jump out of my seat and rush out of the door before anyone has a chance to stop me, I start making my way down the slightly crowded halls into the music room. I have my back facing the door as I pace around with my hand flying through my hair every second. I hear the door open and close.

"Oh thank god, fina-" I halt as I turn around seeing a completely different person to my dearest best friend.

"Anddd what on Gods green Earth do you think your doing" I say to them with my arms folded tightly infront of my chest.

"Well princess as Jughead likes to say, I am here because, well I'm here because you're looking absolutely beautiful" they say smirking.

"Cut to the damn chase Chuck." I say through gritted teeth.

Before I could blink he slams me against the wall, his lips slamming onto mine. I push him off me quickly trying to escape his arms, with no success.

"What are you doing"! "Get off of me"!

"NO, you're mine".

He grabs my chin in his hand harshly turning my face towards him, forcing me to look at him. He wraps his arm tightly around my waist stopping my every movement.

I knee him in the dick, forcing his grip the loosen, I spin around bringing my elbow up to his face, I force my arm into his nose hearing a blissful crack  he fully let's go and grabs his face, blood starting to speed out of his nose.

"You bitch"

He lunges at me again only for me to dodge and kick the back of his knee causing him to fall down. I bring my first to his face and started to punch him. I hear the door handle wiggle meaning someone is behind the door  hopefully veronica, the noises cause me to look up bringing my attention away from chuck. He uses this to his advantage and gets up again trapping me between his legs, he brings his hand towards my face punching me round the jaw. I groan at the pain but I dont let it affect me.

I start to wriggle around again trying to pry his arms away from me, he keeps me held down with his legs and with one hand he is keeping my arms tightly bound together, his other hand trying to take off my top.

The door starts the bang showing someone is trying to break their way in, chuck notices the attempt and trys to put his hand around my mouth, I move my face away in time.

"Help"! I say through my harsh breathing as I choke back my tears, chuck manages to clasp his hand around my throat but is luckily no longer trying to undress me.

The door bangs one last time before it flies off of its hinges onto the floor infront of us.

"Get off of her" says a low voice followed by Veronica's gasp.

"Get out" chuck says turning his head towards the so called intruders but my eyes they helped me.

I manage to use this distraction and get his arms off me and I quickly punch him in his gut, he hunches over and I use this to knee him in the face, he quickly stands but I punch him with all my power, I let go of his jacket and he tumbles to the floor unconscious.

I look up to see the shocked face of none other than Jughead Jones.

I am so sorry I havent updated in forever!!! But I have finally got my emotions handled and have managed to bring myself together and bring out a new chapter for you guys!!!!!

What should i call you guys, kind of like my own little army, let me know if you want me to call you something else.

Anyways a new chapter will be out sooner than this one!!!


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