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Betty's pov

As soon as I said that, he smirked. It wasnt like a horny teenager smirk, it was a smirk smirk....you know the ones that make butterflies in your stomach. Yeah. That smirk. And it did give me butterflies, I look over to veronica and see that the other boy is smirking at her too. I can see by the look on her face that she likes him.

Jughead sticks his hand out towards me making me blink quickly. I take a breath and reach forward, shaking hands with him.

"I'm Jughead, king of The Southside Serpent mafia. You are.."?

"Uhhh yea hi, I-im betty" I stutter.

"Sweet pea here is my right hand man""he would shake your hands if he weren't so into your friend" he slowly chuckles.

"Y-yeah okay" I nervously chuckle.

"Hey, no need to be nervous princess, I'm not going to hurt you"

"Yeah okay. I'll believe it when I see it" I state boldly, all nervousness gone in a blink of an eye. I'm bad betty. I shouldn't be nervous!

I look towards veronica and sweet pea and realise that veronica looks really scared.

"Hey Vee, lets get out of here"

"Yeah o-okay coming"

I walk out sassily with veronica walking behind me. I turn round to see him staring at me, he sees me looking and stares at my face. I look him up and down before walking out with veronica again. But not before I see him whisper something to sweet pea, who nodded staring darkly.

We decided to walk home because it wasnt that far from the pembroke.
The walk was about twenty minutes long, both our feet aching because of the heels, and our arms hurting and bruises beginning to form. I'm not sure if Veronica noticed or even heard the motorbikes lurking a few minutes behind us but I did.

She uses her key and opens the door, we walk in quietly even though her parents are away for the week, we were still tip toeing around.

She went into the bathroom to get changed into pyjamas first, whilst I took my makeup off at her vanity.

I tie my hair up into a messy bun as Vee comes out of the bathroom, I stand up and grab my pyjamas and walk into the bathroom, i brush my teeth and change into my pyjamas. Me and Vee bought a matching set because...why not.



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I walk out of the bathroom and sit on the bed with ronnie.

"You like him" she said suddenly. A smile growing on her face

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Yes you do"!"miss betty cooper likes the mafia boss"!!

"You like his right hand man" I reply smugly

"Wait, I dont, and right hand man"!!!

"Yea and did you also not see when we walked out Boss said something to him and he nodded darkly. Oh and also I don think you heard or saw the motorbikes trailing a few minutes behind us"

"Wait what"!!!!

"Yep, we're in deep shit now veronica. We've just gotten involved with a frickin MAFIA"!!!!!!!

"Oh no"

"Exactly what I'm thinking Vee"

We sigh and lay down, we put Friends on the tv, veronica falls asleep before me and I just sit there thinking about what they could have been talking about, and why he nodded darkly. Something better not happen to veronica or I swear I will kill everyone who touches her.

I close my eyes, but open them again straight away. All I see when I close my eyes is Jughead. Fuck.

He is really sexy and ho- No!! Betty keep your senses together!! Jeez. And now I'm talking to myself in my head. Great I'm going crazy.

I lay down and look at my phone, I finally realise the time... and we have school tomorrow. I know right, so smart for going to a club on a school night. But seriously its 2am!!!! I need to go to sleep otherwise I ain't getting up in the morning.

I place my phone on the bedside table and plug in my charger waiting for it to show the charging symbol before turning back to the pillow. I close my eyes for two seconds then my phone vibrates.

I groan inside and sit up. I grab my phone to see that an unknown number has messaged me.

I open up my messages and click onto the contact

*Hey princess, miss me?*

I'm shocked. How did he get my number!!!

I started to think that I had gone crazy from being tired, so I lay down and fall asleep. For good this time...

Let's see what school brings for me tomorrow. They're going to be in for a surprise. That's for sure.

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