30. Before The Storm

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Well guys. Only one more chapter after this and then an epilogue!

Hopefully I can upload fast so you guys don't have to wait very much longer, but I also want the chapters to be long and worth reading so I guess we will see how it goes!


I woke to hushed, discreet whispers. I was laying on a plush Persian couch made of amazing softness.

A headache seemed to pound within my head, and I had to force my eyes open to fully wake myself.

I started to recognize the voices that spoke before me, and when my eyes finally adjusted to the light I noticed I was in a bedroom with Savell, Harrison and their friends including Cruceillo.

They all noticed my awaking as I sat up, ultimately confused.

"Ah, Hazel. You're awake." Savell laughed, a nervous one. Harrison eyed me from where he stood, but I couldn't read what he was thinking.

"What the fuck is happening?" I manage to growl out, a massive headache forming in my head.

My heart froze in my chest when I realized I had drank several glasses of wine, and I was carrying a baby. But I couldn't do anything at the moment, because Harrison couldn't know.

"So, as I was saying..." The man that was Cruceillo's dad started, returning both my kidnapper's attention to him.

"What is your price? Three million? Five? I will go as high as necessary for her, as long as my son is enlightened." He said, pulling out his fancy phone and making a few notes.

"I said," Harrison bit out. "She isn't for sale--"

"Fine. Twenty million. What do you say?"

Everyone in the room froze, including myself. Cruceillo's gaze raked over my roaming one, and I shivered when he winked at me.

"I-I don't know..." It was the first time Harrison ever appeared confused in front of me, let alone nervous. I was starting to silently panic.

"Come on, she can't be worth giving up twenty million. It's one person, and she is out of your hair."

"Well, my son is her--"

"Is it a deal, or not? I won't hold out this offer much longer." He started to grow impatient at Harrison, who refused to meet Savell's terrified gaze.

My heart pounded so hard in my chest I thought it might burst. Harrison was my only lifeline at the moment.

Harrison stood in deep thought before he finally sighed and faced the eager family.

"Okay, I accep--"

"She's pregnant!" Savell screams, ending Harrison's agreement faster than I could blink.

Everyone turned to me as I felt my heart stop and I immediately clutch a hand to my chest, terrified of Savell's news to everyone. She spilled the secret I so desperately wanted to keep safe.

What was to happen now?


"We're leaving." Harrison suddenly growls out, yanking Savell out of her shocked trance and pacing towards me.

I squeal in fear and flinch back as Harrison grabs my arm in a tight, hard grip and yanks me from my spot on the persian couch.

My arm immediately becomes sore from his death grip and making it out of the crowd and outside is a dazed blur. My head is on fire as Harrison makes a quick call to Kaleb and orders him to grab everyone and meet him outside. Our limo is pulled up by the curb, and Savell quickly ushers me inside before Harrison can run off on both her and I.

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