15. Secrets

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Just want to let you guys know to please be patient with me! I try to update twice a week and I've been able to make that promise pretty well and I don't appreciate when people tell me to update like the day after uploading a chapter. I don't want to come off as a bitch or anything but I'm very busy rn and can't write frequently. It's hard to write when your in school and in sports. Hope you understand and thank you to the people who have been patient with me! <3 I love you guys lots<33

Auna(: xoxo


A few minutes after Savell left, I felt myself drift off into a heavy sleep. The next time I awoke, I found myself in a dark room with a small couch and TV in the background and two aggressive men standing in the center. I held my breath at the tension in the air and stepped back until I hit something behind me.

"Don't you speak to me like that!" The older one growled, stepping towards the other one.

"I'll say whatever the fuck I want to." A familiar voice growled, and I shrunk farther into the shadows, my heart pounding in my chest from the anxiety in the air.

The bigger one suddenly jerked his arm up to the other and slapped him painfully across the face. "You will obey me Kaleb!"

Kaleb caught himself from falling backwards as he put a hand to his cheek. The man in front of him was fuming to the point I thought he could have steam coming from his ears.

I stayed silent where I was, afraid if I did anything I could be the one with even more injuries on my face. Even though it might be a dream, strange things had been happening when I fell asleep-- so I wasn't risking it.

"You live in my house," The angry man continued. "So you will respect me."

"I'm eighteen now," Kaleb snaps. "You can't control me anymore. Not like you did to mom..." His voice was lost after that, and he looked sadly down at the floor. I could still pick out the anger that lightened his eyes though.

"Oh? Blaming it all on me now?" He raised his eyebrows at Kaleb, pretending to be shocked. "We all know-- you know-- you're just as guilty as I am."

Kaleb swallows hard, and looked up at the man with cold eyes. "I will never be you." He whispered.

The man stepped closer to Kaleb, narrowing in on him in the corner of the room where he was backing up. "But you are. And you can't deny it."

"Woman are slaves, beings God created for us." He gestured to Kaleb and him, a smirk on his face the whole time. "Your mother didn't want to agree to those terms after awhile. And she was punished."

Kaleb looked away and slowly shook his head. "No..."

"Yes." He growled, pinning Kaleb to the wall with his hand bunched in his shirt. "And you will come to understand that is the only way."

Kaleb continued to shake his head, more fiercely this time. "I can't--"

"Yes you can. You will." He gripped him harder, and Kaleb showed signs of discomfort as he was raised slightly from the ground.

"You are a monster. Don't forget that." The man told him sternly. "You will always be one, and you need to accept that as your way of life."

Kaleb finally looked at his father and shoved him away. "I don't want to be a monster."

My heart sank in my chest. I didn't realize what Kaleb had gone through-- and how mean I've been to him lately. But he did somewhat deserve it for what he did to November.

"Deal with it!" The man growled, his voice vibrating through the cold room. "You. Are. A. Monster. The minute you were taken out of your mother's womb."

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